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"I'm late for school!" Miyoung yelled, throwing her belongings around her room in panic as she rearranged her school bag to suit the subjects she had that day

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"I'm late for school!" Miyoung yelled, throwing her belongings around her room in panic as she rearranged her school bag to suit the subjects she had that day. "Maths, history, English, Korean...Where the fuck is my music copy? You know what?" She mumbled before she pouted. "I don't even like music."

And so, deciding that the subject was not for her, she zipped up her bag, knowing that the teacher already disliked her greatly.

"Watch your language!" She could hear from down the hallway where her father prepared for work, him too late.

"She's a bitch anyway dad. Don't sweat it."

A chuckle resonated throughout the house. He just had to accept that Miyoung was the way she was.

She raced down the stairs with her bag on her back, not even sending a glance at her mum who stood with a buttered slice of toast in hand.

"I'm going to skip today. Don't have the time for unnecessary delays," she grumbled, running to the door only to be pulled back by the handle of her bag.

"You, young lady, are going to eat the most important meal of the day, and if that stupid woman who thinks she's qualified to be your principal calls me? I'll tell her to fu-"

Though the profanity was cut off as the third and final member of their family arrived in the kitchen.

"This is where she gets her language from," her dad hurriedly added, standing between the two and taking the toast. "Thanks, Sweetie," he mumbled, crunching down on it before grabbing onto Miyoung's shoulder and guiding her towards the door where he opened it and pushed her in the direction of the car.

"To school we go!" She enthusiastically yelled while punching the air. She had to do something to keep her spirits up.

Yet upon seeing the foreboding prison-like school, her mood went from a hundred to zero.

"I mean-"

She was cut off by her father leaning over to open the car door.

"Out you get! I've got money to make and a boss to impress," he urged, almost pleading with his daughter to speed up since she was never one to rush herself.

With a subtle roll of her eyes, Miyoung stepped out of the car, not even getting the chance to bid the man goodbye before the car door was slammed shut and the vehicle chugged along the road, questionable noises following the smoke that it emitted.

"Oh well."

𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗮 𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗱; lee jenoWhere stories live. Discover now