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"Ready for this quiz?" He asked quietly while walking alongside Miyoung who shot him a death glare

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"Ready for this quiz?" He asked quietly while walking alongside Miyoung who shot him a death glare.

"I still think you could have told me about it last week," she grumbled childishly before sticking her tongue out at him scoldingly.

"Or," he started, eyes still fixed on the path ahead, "you could have listened in class for once..."

A scoff followed this suggestion, shutting down any chance that the girl would ever do such a thing.

"And what would possess me to do something like that?" With a brow raised and a curious expression on her face, she stared at Jeno, waiting for the taller to even spare her a glance.

When he refused to cave in to her will, she stomped her foot and pleaded for him to do so.

"At least let me copy from you, Jen. You know my mum will kill me if I fail music again," she begged, her lip jutting out into a pout. "This is desperation at its fullest," she whined before snaking her hand around Jeno's and rubbing circles into it.

"And let me guess," he started, flicking his gaze to her momentarily before glancing to the laced hands with a cocked brow. "If I say no, you'll copy me anyway?"

An enthused nod made the older chuckle at her desperation to pass.

"Do what you must."

"This is why I love you Lee Jeno!"

• 。• 。•

Lunch came around, and thankfully less attention had been on them that day.

Miyoung had indeed cheated her way through the quiz with her quick side glances at Jeno's test which he had completed with ease.

Now, the two teens headed to the same locker area where they sat most days, their backs against the cool metal.

"So, do you have any plans this weekend?" Miyoung casually slipped into the conversation as they sat down on the ground with their lunches. "'Cause I was wondering if you wanted to head to the amusement park. I think a day out would be fun," she continued before resting her head on his shoulder, enjoying the warmth he emitted.

"Yeah...it would be." He paused for a moment, laying his head atop her's. "I'd actually like that along Mi."

Another comforting silence fell between them as the relatively quiet hallway calmed even more with all the students gathering in the canteen.

These were the moments that mattered the most to them both, for the future seemed so undefined and changeable. If only they knew what would come...

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