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"The view from up here is fabulous!" Miyoung exclaimed while she stood in the treehouse which had been built up, but not stabilised

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"The view from up here is fabulous!" Miyoung exclaimed while she stood in the treehouse which had been built up, but not stabilised.

"And it's going to get you killed, young lady," Mr. Lee chimed in as he walked from the house and out into the lovely sun-filled garden. "That floor can break at any moment," he warned while placing down the snacks at the table on the deck.

"Yeah Miyoung, I'll help you down," Jeno mumbled, his arms outstretched to the younger who merely sighed at the concern being shown.

"If you insist."

The pair had headed to the Lee household after the gawking they received from their peers, and although the call home from the main office had sparked an anger with the four parents involved, they still let the kids stay home, as long as they promised attended school the next day.

The sun had started to set beautifully, and the orange engulfed the horizon, sending out a gorgeous golden hue across the city.

"Catch me when I fall," the girl joked before crouching down and wrapping her arms around the back of Jeno's neck and jumped down, wrapping her legs around his waist with a shriek of fear. Of course, the older had no intention of allowing any harm to reach Miyoung.

"Safe and sound," he whispered airily while turning his face to her's. He was taken aback when they were nose-to-nose, eyes locked with each other's and arms wrapped around each other.

"Thank you, my love," she giggled, leaning forward to kiss his cheek before freeing herself from his hold. "Now let's eat some food, hmm?"

Still blushing like crazy, Jeno nodded, not even protesting when the shorter grabbing ahold of his trembling hand and pulled him to the deck. Mr. Lee had headed inside leaving only the two of them to enjoy each other's company.

"I like hanging out with you," he whispered while leaning upon his palm and watching the younger's beauty which ceased to amaze him. "You're not fake like everyone else."

"Well I like hanging out with you, 'cause you seem to be the only one who can make me this happy!" She pointed to the huge smile on her face, one that rarely left while in the presence of her childhood friend. "I hope we never part again."


𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗮 𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗱; lee jenoWhere stories live. Discover now