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"Did my little Mi work her magic?" An excited voice chimed from the front door which had just been slammed shut

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"Did my little Mi work her magic?" An excited voice chimed from the front door which had just been slammed shut.

The said girl turned in her stool, her attention going from her mother who was preparing dinner, to her father who had just arrived home that minute.

"What magic is that?" She quipped, her brow raised as she watched the man hang up his coat before sending her a shining smile.

"Well I happened to get a call from Mr. Lee saying that we were welcome to join them for a casual dinner tomorrow," he announced with an added effect of jazz hands which only resulted in the two women rolling their eyes.

"I'm surprised he actually asked if I'm being honest. He's been different lately..."

While she spun back in her chair, her mother and father shared a knowing look. They weren't enlightened on the whole situation, but they were aware that the Lees were concerned for their son's health.

"Well, are you happy to see the family again?" Her mother pitched in, leaving the food to simmer at a low temperature while she rested her chin on her hand to her down to her daughter's level.

"Of course! Haven't seen them in years." She paused for a moment, thinking through all the fond moments that she shared with the family, and more so Jeno. "Do you think our palace will still be there?"

Her mum shrugged, a small look of 'we'll find out soon' crossing her face before she pinched the younger's cheeks.

"Dinner is ready whenever you are."

• 。• 。•

The next morning flew by, and of course the young teen was overjoyed when she remembered it was in fact the weekend at long last.

So she did what most girls her age did - she lay in bed till the afternoon.

"Is my lazy Miyoung still asleep?" The said girl groaned while turning over to see her father lingering by the door with a small grin. "You better get up if you want to see your boyfriend," he teased, running over to her to attack her with tickles. This resulted in the younger whining while playfully slapping her dad away.

"It's too early....and he's not my boyfriend."

"But you have the biggest crush on him-"

"No I don't," she childishly denied, her blankets still embracing her making her resemble a burrito. "I did miss him though."

Her dad merely chuckled before ruffling her hair.

"Seriously though, we'll be heading off in an hour and a half." He stood to leave her buy his gaze settled in her again before he could make it out the door. "Look Mi, I don't know the ins and outs of Jeno's feelings, but I know that the Lees are quite worried and are relieved that you're here again. Take care of him and give him a chance, okay?"

The shorter - still sleepy - girl hummed in response, but really listening to what her dad was saying.

"Sure thing."

𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗮 𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗱; lee jenoWhere stories live. Discover now