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Saturday came around sooner than both had anticipated, not that they didn't appreciate the two days off

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Saturday came around sooner than both had anticipated, not that they didn't appreciate the two days off. They met at the Kim's household where Miyoung's parents drove them to the amusement park which was roughly an hour away.

"I haven't had a day out with you in years," she mumbled before peaking at the silent ravenette through the mirror. "Hope it's as fun as it used to be."

Miyoung would be lying if she said that she hadn't noticed how down Jeno had been over the past week, but even as she pressed the elder to open up and tell her what the source of his worries were, she got little information.

She clenched her fist tightly, eyes squeezing shut briefly before opening again.

She felt utterly useless as she watched the boy distance himself again, especially after how open and honest he had been in the recent months.

Her mind, which had been running through different ways to find out what was wrong, came to a grinding halt as a comforting hand rubbed comforting circles on her own clenched ones.

She looked into her mother's eyes which reflected exactly how she felt.

Miyoung could only hope that the amusement park would bring out the gorgeous smile that she missed.

• 。• 。•

"Again, again, again!" She cheered happily while dragging a passive Jeno over to the largest rollercoaster....again.

A small grin teased his features at the inklings of happiness that the younger brought him, yet the overwhelming feeling of hopelessness that hadn't shown him mercy in the past week or so still loomed over his head.

Where had this wave of emotions even come from? He hadn't the slightest clue as to what triggered this feeling.

Miyoung had been treating him like royalty and his parents had loved him so dearly for so long. So why was he feeling like this?

The hot feeling of tears building up behind his eyes burned so badly.

"Let's go!" The shorter encouraged cutely, not turning back to see the tears that had begun falling so quickly. Nor did she see how his lip quivered and his hands trembled as the reality of how crushed he was came crashing down.

Hearing the quiet sniffles, Miyoung turned around, face falling at the sight.

"Jen?" She whispered, voice almost unheard in the crowd. She stood on the tips of her toes and looped her arms around his neck, pulling him down into a hug.

His body shook in her arms, and although the usually anxious boy would have hated breaking down in public, the warmth of the embrace was all that mattered to him as he tried so desperately to fight his darkening thoughts.

"Let's head to the bathroom, hmm ?" She whispered in his ear before pulling back and dragging him towards the ladies bathroom, not even thinking of the reaction that they would receive.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled to a few of the women who occupied the space. They glanced at him but didn't say anything upon noticing how upset he looked.

Most rushed out of the room to give the pair their space.

"Hey, it's alright, Jeno. Just tell me what has you so sad," she begged while wiping away his tears. "It's breaking my heart seeing you this way."

He shook his head in response, knowing that this was exactly why he distanced himself in the first place, to help her.

Her eyes narrowed as she examined his features, not noticing how he slowly leaned in.

He continued to close the gap between them without thinking, not caring about how confused the younger looked as she realised their closeness. Jeno tucked the long hair behind her ear before pressing their lips together, enjoying the sensation.

He pulled back quickly and retracted his hand. His widened eyes holding a look of shock for what he had done, as if this wasn't his intention.

"Mi," he whispered, his finger gracing over his lip gently. "Can we just go home?" He whispered, refusing to look the utterly astonished younger in the eye. "I want to go home please?"

Miyoung choked on her words before stuttering out a quick, 'sure'.

So without anymore conversation shared between them, they located Miyoung's mother and got in the car, neither ready to address what had just happened.

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