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"Drinks for everyone!" The familiar voice of Jeno's mother chimed as she pulled open the sliding door to offer the two teens and her husband a freshly made lemonade each

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"Drinks for everyone!" The familiar voice of Jeno's mother chimed as she pulled open the sliding door to offer the two teens and her husband a freshly made lemonade each.

A gasp of excitement fell from Miyoung's lips as she reminisced on how good Mrs. Lee's homemade beverages were.

The ladder which she stood upon began to shake as she lost balance, her eyes widening with shock as she fell backwards, awaiting the inevitable impact that would follow.

But to her surprise, a pair of arms caught her behind the knees and back. She lay in Jeno's arms with a blank expression as she looked to his wide, hazel eyes that held a glint of concern.

"You alright?" He whispered, placing her down again.

"All thanks is to my knight in shining armour," she giggled, pinching his cheek before rushing towards the older lady who merely smiled at the interaction she had witnessed.

Jeno watched as the childish girl happily grinned while chatting with his parents. An uncontrollable smile adorned his face just looking at her.

My precious Miyoung...

"Coming Jen?"

He was snapped from his dazed state upon hearing his named called by the other. And with a fake smile, he ran to his family.

"Yeah, yeah."

• 。• 。•

"You alright?" Miyoung's whispered from beside Jeno as they lay upon his bed while they finished up the day's homework.

The evening had grown dark and the trio had decided that enough was done on the treehouse that day...as a start anyway.

Jeno hesitated for a moment, his eyes glancing over to the younger who was focused on her laptop while she wrote down some notes.

Why burden her with this?

"I'm all good, Mi."

The girl only hummed, knowing very well that this was not the case, but instead of fighting him on it, she knew that he would prefer to come to her when he was ready.

"You know that I'm here for you if you ever need to talk, Jen. Don't you?" She quietly added, this time looking back into his broken eyes that held millions of emotions that she seemed unable to decipher.

"I know Miyoung." He paused for a moment before leaning in to hug her, pulling her in close. "And I love you for it."

𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗮 𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗱; lee jenoWhere stories live. Discover now