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With her arm looped around the other's, Miyoung dragged an unenthused Jeno through the bustling streets of Seoul on the lovely Monday afternoon following a tough day of school

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With her arm looped around the other's, Miyoung dragged an unenthused Jeno through the bustling streets of Seoul on the lovely Monday afternoon following a tough day of school.

Her energy was unmet by the clearly down boy, not that Jeno was trying to hide his emotions from Miyoung, not after their heart-to-heart at his house on Saturday.

The younger still wasn't clued in on the severity of Jeno's self-degrading thoughts that seemed to have taken control of him, but she was aware that he wasn't as happy as he once was - not that it took a genius to figure that much out.

"Jen," she mumbled while holding his forearm tightly, pulling him alongside her to keep the pace up. "Once we get the treehouse together again, let's hang out more often. I missed your whole family....and Snood."

She paused for a moment, her brow forming a crease as she thought back to her previous visit to the older's house.

"Where's Snood? I didn't see him."

"About tha-"

"Snood's dead?! What the fuck?" Her eyes held a shattered look as she thought if the adorable black puppy that used to follow her around the house. It was her and Snood against the world....and Jeno tagged along. "That's just devastating."

The taller hummed in agreement, but he had never really been a dog person, and he missed his beautiful cat more. "It was a peaceful one. He was hit by a car."

A shocked look flashed across the girl's face, her eyes widened and her fists clenched.

"How is that peaceful at all? The poor baby was probably in so much pain!" She exclaimed frustratedly, sending Jeno a glare before parting away from him and running down a lane off the busy street that was a shortcut to the Lee's household.

She still pouted, even when Jeno jogged to catch up with her.

"He's been gone for three years, Mi. And it was peaceful 'cause it wasn't prolonged at all. He had passed away when the driver hopped out seconds after hitting him."

He massaged circles onto the shorter's back, the foreign feeling of a smile tugging at his lips as he watched her continue to look away, as if she was actually mad at him.


Miyoung whipped her head around, intentionally hitting the other's face with her hair as she did so.

A choked noise formed in Jeno's throat as he flinched at the pain of it slapping his cheek.

"I'm what?"



She stopped on the spot, smirking at him with a glint of curiosity in her eyes. She maintained their eye-contact as if to urge the older to continue.

"You know I didn't mean that."


𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗮 𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗱; lee jenoWhere stories live. Discover now