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The darkened streets held minimal light which emitted from the buzzing lampposts which flickered in an unsettling manner

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The darkened streets held minimal light which emitted from the buzzing lampposts which flickered in an unsettling manner.

Miyoung felt it, the tension that is. There was something wrong, something seriously wrong, but she felt hesitant to face what that issue was.

Jeno hadn't spoken for nearly three hours now, and the most that she had received were small hums in response to questions or statements she made.

They had arrived home an hour earlier, but only now was Miyoung walking him home for the night.

"Jen?" She whispered as they walked through these streets silently. "Please tell me what's wrong," she begged, tears welling in her eyes as she saw the look on his face.

All she wanted was to know what was running through his mind and why he suddenly became unresponsive and monosyllabic at best.

Her heart pounded as she looked at his eyes closely seeing the utterly broken look that shone within.

"I wasn't supposed to hurt you like this," he whispered hoarsely, his voice cracking from lack of use.

Miyoung frowned confusedly, her hands trembling as they grasped onto Jeno's. He pulled away, looking down to prevent her from seeing into his mind.

"You haven't hurt me Jen. You're not capable of hurting me, 'cause you're too damn nice for your own good. What are you talki-"

"I left you for my own selfish reasons. I saw how fucking unhappy you were hanging out with those bitches for five years, but I still blanked you....hurt you," he yelled, his eyes brimming with tears which simply couldn't be held any longer. "I ruined our friendship, and now I'm fucking miserable because every time I see you, I realise how special and lively you are, and I know that all I do is drag you down!"

A sob fell from Miyoung's lips which were parted in shock as she listened to his words.

"Stop putting yourself down like that Jeno, because you're the only reason that I get through each day. Don't you dare even think about letting these things get to you-"

"I want to die, Miyoung. I have for a very long time now, and with each step forward I take, the more guilt I feel for you, mum, dad...everyone. I've been selfish and I've been rude, and I don't know why you still insist on trying so damn hard to help me when I'm a lost cause!" He shouted angrily, tears streaming down his face rapidly while his mouth ran without his brain's consent.

These were the things that he had held in for so long. This was why he left he'd, so that she wouldn't hear these exact words. But once again, Jeno let her down.

"You don't mean that Jen. I can help you. We can talk to your parents about this Jeno...I can help you. Please!" She begged with a quivering lip. This wasn't true, it couldn't be.

As she looked in his eyes again, hoping that this was all some sick joke of his, she saw how far gone he was.

How have I not noticed?

𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗮 𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗱; lee jenoWhere stories live. Discover now