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Even with the music blasting in his ears, Jeno felt at great unease as he examined the faces of the passing people

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Even with the music blasting in his ears, Jeno felt at great unease as he examined the faces of the passing people.

He was convinced that Miyoung would sit with him again. His heart was filled with dread at the thought of the younger becoming a part of his life again, yet the undying disappointment that filled his mind at her absence seemed to be a louder concern.

"I knew it," he whispered to himself, eyes closing with hesitance and his head falling against the locker.

It had to have been only minutes later that the expected visitor sat by his side.

"The queue in the canteen was mad." Immediately, with his music turned down again, he looked to the girl, a small yet noticeable grin gracing his features.

Miyoung picked at the pasta that was a disappointingly cold temperature. She seemed to be unable to fend off the disgusted look that she unwillingly expressed.

"Want some?" She offered, head tilting in the older's direction with a hand outstretched for easier access to the unappetising food.

With a quick shake of the head, Jeno refused to partake from the bowl.

"Your loss."

The ravenette watched in an amused manner as she put a piece of pasta in her mouth, her mouth opening and closing in an unsatisfied manner before she heaved and spat it out.

"That is so undercooked. I can't stomach it Jen," she whined, standing up from the floor with some struggle. "I simply can't."

She trailed to the other side of the hall where she tossed it in the bin, feeling the aggressive growl in her stomach.

"Oh well," she whispered, trying to fight the disappointment she felt. "It is what it is."

She took her seat by the quiet boy's side, resting her forehead on his shoulder while sighing.

"We don't have music, do we?" She groaned, thinking of the blonde witch that was her teacher.

"Sorry Mi," he whispered, resting his head upon her's which still lay on his shoulder. "It's the class after the next."

The prolonged whine that escaped her lips elicited a chuckled from the taller who felt at peace with the girl by his side. It reminded him of his happier days which seemed so distant now.

"I missed you," he whispered, cheek leaning against her head.

"Why did you leave me then? Why did you force that distance between us?" The previous topic seemed to have disappeared as the conversation they both needed to have had arisen.

The silence that followed made Miyoung visibly deflate as she sat up straight again.

"Look Jeno, seeing you at the convenience store the other day, I felt the need to talk to you again. I miss what we had, but it's not me at fault. I know you best, Jeno, and I won't push you to answer but know that I'm making the effort to forgive and forget." She looked him in the eye, seeing the captivating coco colour that was tainted with pain and hurt. "My parents miss you and the family...come over to our house for dinner tomorrow, will you?"

With uncertainty, the ravenette nodded, his eyes drifting away from the younger's and back to the floor.

"'Kay, I'll ask."

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