{twenty one}

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"Jeno?" Mrs

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"Jeno?" Mrs. Lee questioned as the said boy stormed into the house before taking to the stairs two steps at a time.

With her brow furrowed and her lips pulled tightly into a frown, she glanced at her husband who had looked up from his newspaper with a confused gaze, his glasses perched upon the tip of his nose.

"What was that about?" She whispered, taking her seat in the kitchen again, knowing better than to pester her son for answers when he was angry.

"This is getting out of hand, Sweetie. I thought having Miyoung back in our lives would lighten his mood, but this isn't some teenage phase...I think he needs some help," he mumbled, placing the newspaper down gently as he stood up and came behind his wife to embrace her. "I think it's time we bring him to therapy."

Mrs. Lee merely nodded in response, as all she wanted was to have the joyous boy back. She wanted to see his beautiful smile that reached his eyes.

"Do you think I should go up and check on him?" She whispered hoarsely, a rush of emotions coming over her as she thought of the shell of the boy her little Jeno had become.

"I think you need to calm down a little before going up. If he's upset, it'll only make him even more overwhelmed if we're sad too." Again, his wife nodded before turning around and hugging him back. "He'll be okay, Sweetie. Jeno's stronger then we give him credit for. We'll get him some help, and we'll do whatever it takes to have our little boy back."

The couple sat side-by-side for a few more minutes, their emotions becoming controlled and calmed down after minutes of silence.

"Lets go up there, yeah?"


They climbed up the stairs hurriedly, both wanting to chat with him quite desperately. Mr. Lee rapped his fist against the door, waiting for a response from the teen.

His wife clung to his arm tightly as they awaited an answer that they never received.

Again, he knocked on the dark oak door, still not receiving any form of acknowledgment from the boy who occupied the bedroom.

With a swift turn of the knob, he pushed on into the room, seeing that it was shrouded in darkness, the only light being released from beneath the closed bathroom door.

"Stay here for a minute, Sweetie," he quietly requested, his heart rate raising as he thought of the lack of response from their son only moments before.

He approached the bathroom door and knocked on it, his hands trembling as his worst fears began to play out in his mind.

"Jen?" He whispered brokenly with tears welling. He pushed against the door to open it, and inside was something he would never forget.

•   。•   。•

The shrill sound of the phone buzzing in her nightstand ripped Miyoung out of her daze as she replayed the conversation that had occurred hours earlier.

The feeling of Jeno's lips upon her's sent chills down her back, but surprisingly, she liked it.

Miyoung blinked a few times as she remembered the phone ringing again.

Jeno's number flashed across the screen, making her sigh in relief. She had been so worried about him after what he had said earlier, and had every intention on calling him before she went to bed.

With a small smile, she picked up the device and held it to her ear, awaiting the sound of her best friend's voice.

Instead, sobs came through the line, making Miyoung's hands go weak.

"He's gone Miyoung. My baby is gone!"

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