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"Race me to the house, Lee Jeno," she challenged with a smirk

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"Race me to the house, Lee Jeno," she challenged with a smirk.

How long can I keep doing this?

Still, the hesitant boy caught up to an overly enthused Miyoung and complied with her request as if he didn't feel his world come crashing down all over again for no apparent reason this time.

His heart pounded wildly in his chest as he slowed his pace, allowing the proud girl to win the race to her home.

The lights within shone an orange glow across the steps that led to it, indicating that her parents were indeed at home.

Jeno smiled at the view of their shadows upon the concrete. It almost calmed him to see the faceless silhouettes that didn't mimic the broken expression he wore.

"You good?" The out of breath girl quipped with a teasing smile on her face, almost as if she was rubbing in the fact that she had won the rigged race.

He hummed in response, not really trusting his weak voice to support that statement.

He couldn't let her know how bad he had really gotten, could he?

"Well then Jen," she mumbled, stumbling down two or three of the steps before launching herself into his arms. "Thank you for walking me home. I'll see you tomorrow?"

He nodded again while forcing a smile for the younger who didn't seem to figure out what exactly had the boy so quiet.

"See you tomorrow," he whispered fondly while watching her skip back up to stairs before sending him a cute smile and closing the door.

Now on the dimly lit street he stood, his trembling hands deep within his pockets while he watched where the girl once stood.

"Will I even make it to tomorrow?"

𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗮 𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗱; lee jenoWhere stories live. Discover now