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Lunch was spent like this, each other's presence filling the gaping holes in their hearts that their 'drift apart' had caused

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Lunch was spent like this, each other's presence filling the gaping holes in their hearts that their 'drift apart' had caused.

Jeno had actually fallen asleep towards the end, the feminine scent of the younger leaving him in a sweet dreamland where nothing had ever changed.

He knew that this was selfish of him to think, but that was the funny things about thoughts, you never had control over them.

Of course, like all good things, it came to an end with the loud bell sounding through the prison that they called 'school'.

Jeno was jolted awake, only to be met with a smiling Miyoung who adjusted her glasses before cooing.

"Oh, the Prince has awoken from his slumber," she teased, reminiscing on the days that they played royalty in the back garden. "As dashing as ever."

Jeno had to admit, he hadn't smiled like this in a very long time. Not with this much realism at least. Maybe bumping into her last night had actually done him some good.

"Anyways," she mumbled, mood seemingly dampened by a flashing thought. "We, my friend, have music."

He chuckled at this, having listened to the her mumble throughout the class about how much of a bitch she thought the teacher was...it was true though.

So, to ensure they got there in time, Jeno packed up his phone and earplugs into his pocket and followed Miyoung to the classroom where she had left her pencil case. And finally, the last stop was music.

"Don't you have any books?" He quietly questioned, blowing his overgrown fringe off of his forehead while watching the emotions in her eyes change.

"Lost it."

She failed to disappoint him, even if her once studious self had disappeared, she was still Kim Miyoung: his best friend, his classmate and more importantly someone he called a soulmate.

He shook his head at her, taking a seat two from the window since the window seat was reserved for the princess herself.

He liked this...he liked this feeling a lot.

• 。• 。•

"How was school, Sweetie?" Her dad asked as she threw the door open with a tired sigh. He looked at the rings beneath her eyes and chuckled fondly. "Maybe you shouldn't go to sleep at ungodly times."

She sent him a very sarcastic smile before taking her seat and closing the door.

"All that aside, it wasn't actually that bad."

"And why was that?"

She felt hesitant to answer, but knew that her dad would be overjoyed to hear her news.

"I was taking to Jeno today. Actually, I spent the whole of lunch with him too," she replied blissfully, a smile appearing on her face as she looked back at her father who was grinning like an idiot, reflecting her own expression.

"Now that's a name I haven't heard from you in a while. How is the kid? Is he still a midget? Does he still wear that emo hairdo?" He gushed, excitement entwining with with his orbs as he flicked his gaze from the road to his daughter.

"He's how he always was; quiet, polite and handsome as hell. And no, he no longer wears it like 'One Direction' used to, Dad," she scolded, slapping the older's shoulder playfully at his last comment. "He's grown though. He's become a giant."

Her dad nodded, expecting that to be the answer.

"I was actually talking with his dad the other day. They seem to be doing well, but they miss you a lot, Mi. Maybe if it's not awkward in a few weeks we could go over. We only parked the family dinners with them for your sake," he mentioned, trying to plant the idea in her head, hoping it would grow.

He did miss the get-togethers that they used to have, and he knew that his wife did too.

Mr. Kim truly felt excited for the possibility of a rekindled friendship between his daughter and Jeno.

The boy was very closed-off and private though, so he fought to not let himself become too hopeful.

"We can consider it later anyway."

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