This is home

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I woke up at 9:30am and got dressed I know it's cold in New York so I put on my skinny jeans and a long r5 smile sweater that Ross gave me he's so sweet!!!!.

I got jenni ready and packed the bags and finally I was ready to go!!!. I go downstairs and say thank you to Ross and give him a hug I say by to the kiddos and finally I said bye to my bestie thanks for everything it was so fun turn up!!!.

Lara:it was real fun come back any time!!

Jessa: of course and you know you're invited to my house anytime.

Omg we hug for one last time and said goodbye again and then I had to go!!!. The plane ride was a long one I would get to New York at about 1:30pm.

I checked my bags and then boarded the plane man I was really gonna miss my bestie and her family but hopefully she comes and visits really soon!!!.

But also I can't wit to get back home to my boys I miss them so much!!!. Jenni also smiles and knows that soon we'll be home!!!. I plugged in my headphones and listened to my baby the whole time.

Finally the plane landed and I got off the plane got my bags and went to security I finished going through security and as I turned the corner there was my boy!!!.

Omg my bae ran and greeted us omg my baby how are you guys? Amazing baby!!!

My girls you had no idea how much I missed you!!!!. Not as much as I did wanna bet?

No he leaned in and gave me the most passionate strong kiss it was perfect I love you so much he carries jenni and starts kissing her ahh I love him so much!!!!!.

Baby where's gus? Oh he's not feeling well last night he had a big fever and he threw up!!!.

Omg baby is he okay?!!? Yes princess don't worry my mom is watching him!!!.

And you took care of him all last night? Yes of course I did baby!!!!.

Wow baby boy you're truly amazing I lean in for another one of those incredible kisses and he answers right back.

As I get in the limo my bae straps jenni in and then comes around and opens the door for me and him we both jump in and I just lay my head on his shoulders saying nothing but feeling amazing. I feel him kiss my forehead ahh I know I'm totally safe!!!.

When we arrived my bae woke me up and I went running into see gus!!!. Omg hi angela!!! Omg jessa how are you beautiful I'm great now that I've seen everybody so how's gus? Oh he's asleep upstairs!!!!.

Okay thank you so much I'll go get him. as I walked into my baby boys room I saw his sweet little angel face that I missed so much OMG I started to cry!!!!.

I picked him up and started to kiss him he was still a little warm I take him downstairs and we all sit down as a family while Angela just keeps kissing jenni aww I love it!!!.

But all i can do right know is focus on my sick baby boy I missed him so much I don't want to put him down but I know I have to he needs rest!!!.

Angela leaves and I thank her for everything she did!!!. I really miss my family I think this weekend we should go see them!!!!. Of course baby girl anything for you!!!!.

Love you so much my baby!!! Not as much as I do princess aww!!!.

We put jenni to bed and we decided to go upstairs and just put in a movie!!!. We watched fast and furious!!! And I just cuddled with him all night ahhh!!!!.

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