Suprise baby shower

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I've been planning a surprise baby shower for My jess ever since we found out we're having twins.

And today's the day of the party so in order to decorate and get ready I needed an excuse to get her out of the house.

So her and all her sisters are going to go to the movies and then to the mall to shop for a bit.

Jessas pov: hey babe the girls all just called me and wanted to know if I wanted to go to the movies and to the mall.

Do you mind if I go?

Not at all baby girl go and enjoy yourself you deserve it.

Aww ok babe thanks I love you.

I love you to we kiss on the lips passionately. I say bye to my kiddos and I'm off to have some fun with my sisters.

As soon as she leaves I get to decorating our back yard

I get pink and blue balloons tied up on the fence all around I set up the table with flowers.

As soon as I'm done putting the flowers on the table I hear a knock at the door and it's my sister shanelli.

Hey bro how's the decorating going?
So far so good. Well can I help with anything?

Yeah of course the more help the better. She helps me hang the streamers keep the kids entertained and make lunch.

Thanks sis I don't know what I would do without you l I hug her and she smiles you

Lol so where's mom? Oh she was gonna come but she got caught up in work she should be here soon she says.

Ok yay. Wow bro I seriously cannot believe you're gonna have 4 kids soon.

Me neither but it's the best thing that can ever happen to me I love these two with all my heart.

I do too their auntie spoils them she kisses them on the cheek. And Gus gets all crazy.

~5 hours later~
Everyone is here and ready to surprise my baby . They're all waiting in the backyard. I hear keys opening the front door and Jessa starts to call me.

She comes walking out to the patio and we all scream suprise!!.

Royce baby what is all this? omg

Do you like it baby I wanted to throw you a baby shower so you know just how much you mean to all of us.

Aww babe I love it you're the best man ever thank you so much.

We kiss real quick and then I guide her to her chair.

We start opening the gifts and she gets diapers toys and clothes for the baby's. And for the last gift I give her my gift.

And one last present. What baby! Open it! Ok

Omg it's beautiful!!! She has tears rolling down her face.

I gave her a picture of me with my four baby's Gus and jenni sitting next to me by the ocean and an ultrasound of each of our twins in my hands!.

Aww everyone starts cheering congratulations to both of you we're so excited for you guys we love you guys.

Thank you guys for loving us so much!!! We then cut the cake and everyone goes home.

We put the baby's to bed and finally we head to bed.

Baby thank you so much for today it was amazing I love you!.

I love you to my jessa I lean in to kiss her and sparks fly it was magical.

We then cuddle together and watch a movie for the rest of the night.

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