First show

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The first show is tonight in Chicago. I wake up take a shower get ready and then eat breakfast. Then I'm off to explore the city for a little while.

I go downtown and see the Chicago theater where I'll be performing tonight I also see the bean and the Willis tower. By the time I was done exploring I had to go in and start practicing.

I did my vocal warmups and met with my team and then Ariana came in hey Royce how's it going. Are you ready for tonight's show?

Hey Ariana everything's great yeah I think I'm good to go.

Well that's great so you're on right after the opening Dj right? She says

Yeah I'm in right after the Dj finishes I say ok great we're ready to good luck she says as we hug.

You to I say. The concerts starting I can hear the Dj mixing it up out there I make sure I have everything I need and I'm all good.

My baby texted me and it said
Good luck tonight baby go out there and have fun don't worry about us were fine we love you.

And she sends a picture of her and the kids. I feel so much better now I text her back saying

Thank you baby I miss you guys so much I'm going to give it my all out there I love you guys talk to you later.

Jimmy comes into the dressing room and says Royce you're on in 30 seconds oh shit I grab my guitar pick re adjust my hair and head out on stage.

What's up Chicago!!!!! I'm prince Royce how you guys doing *loud scream from the crowd* awesome since tonight's the first night of this tour how about we start off with one of my first songs I say I starting singing stand by me.

~2 hours later~
Whew I'm all done with my show I showered and I'm now just hanging out in the dressing room Ariana is killing it out there. This is her last song and then we're all done with the first show of the tour. When she's done she changes and we both get in our tour buses and head to our next destination Ohio.

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