Shocking news

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Today is Monday, that means the kids have school. I woke at 6:30 like usual and went to get the kids up and ready for school. when I finally got them dressed we went downstairs to find that breakfast was ready by my amazing husband.

Morning daddy! The kids ran up to royce and hugged him. Morning guys. ready for school? He asked smiling at our kids. yes Gus said sitting on the table. We ate our breakfast and waited for the school bus to get here. when it finally got here we said bye to the kids and they left to school.

Hey bae I have to go to the studio really quick to record some new songs I'll be back in a while.royce said while kissing me softly.

Ok I'll go hand out with Lara. ok he said. he left and I went to change quickly. I called Lara to see what she was gonna do today.

~ phone convo~
Me: hey
Lara: hey what's up?
Me: nothing just wanted to know if you wanted to hangout.
Lara: yeah come to my house and pick me up.
Me: ok bye.

I do a couple more things in the house and then go to pick up lara.

I go pull up in front of her house and honk the horn. she comes out of her house 2 minutes later and we head off.

Me: so where do you wanna go?

Lara: idk how about starbucks.

Me: ok.

When we get to Starbucks we both get a lattes and a bagel. we sit and just talk about life and everything that has happened.

We talked for about 2 hours then we realized it was time to go pick up the kids.

We got to the school just in time the kids were all coming out finally all the kids ran to us.

Lara: hey Reggie and rhea his and jeni how was school?

Gus: awesome!!! guess what?

Lara: what I like rhea she's really pretty can she be my girlfriend.

Lara and me: what? We don't know if you can let's ask your daddy's.

Reggie: oh me too I like jeni a lot and want her to be my girlfriend.

Lara and me: woah ok guys so you all like each other?

Kids:yes we do.

Me and Lara just stare a tea other in disbelief we get and the car and I drop off Lara and the kids back home.

Me: ask Ross and see what he says about the kids dating.

Lara: ok I will you ask royce.


I then go back home with the kids and to our suprise daddy was already there.

Hey baby how was the studio? It went great got a lot of work done. but I missed you.

Ahh I missed you too. he leans in and kisses me softly.

So um I have some news our kids and Lara's like each other they want to be boyfriend and girlfriend.

Royce just chuckles. I think it's ok it's just a little thingy they have its cute.

So your ok with this?

Yeah totally are you baby girl?

Yes I am. ok I'll just ask Lara tomorrow to see what Ross said.

Ok baby I have a suprise for you guys!!.

Oh yay really what?

Close your eyes. he takes us by the hand and leads us outside.

123... Open your eyes. wow I could believe it he cooked us dinner.

Aww baby you're so amazing I love you.

I love you too jess. for the rest of the night we eat dinner as a family and put the kids to bed.

Chapter credit to the bestie: Lara lynch.

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