Announcing the news

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I wake up early and just can't sleep I have so much on my mind I go and just rock the babies in the rocking chair. I also go and sit with gus and Jenni on the bed. I'm so grateful for my beautiful wife and kids I know I'm a lucky man. And they're my main priority in life.

But I also love music and my career. And I know that I have enough money that I can be fine if I don't sing anymore but that's not me my roycenaticas are the reason of why I am here today they listened to my music and liked it and they've supported me ever since and that's why I love my fans.

So breaking the news to them today is not going to be easy I know that they deserve to know so they just don't think I walked out on them. I let my whole band and producers know and they're all just devastated and are hoping that I'll be able to continue my career.

Ugh I go out on the back deck and just breathe in the crisp fresh air of the city. I go back inside shower and get dressed by this time it's 9:30 and I have to be at the radio station by 10:30 so I have exactly an hour.

My baby girl is awake now and so are the kids I go downstairs and give them each a big kiss. Good morning baby  how did you sleep I ask Jessa as she walks around the kitchen.

I couldn't really sleep well all I was thinking about was you and how you were feeling. Aww I'm sorry babe it's just super hard for me.

I know it is Royce babe and that's why I'm here for you we're here for you I say as I point to all the kids . We love you so much and don't want to see you sick or depressed.

I know baby and I love you guys so much you're my everything. I have to go and announce the news to all the roycenaticas on the radio station and they post about it online.

Ok baby do you need me to come with you for support? No babe it's ok I'll be fine.
Ok I love you we hug and kiss and then he walks out the door.

~1 hour later~
Radio station: ok guys well we have a special guest in today say hello to prince Royce.

Royce: hey guys what's up hope your morning is off to a good start.

Radio station: so Royce you said you have something important to tell your fans?

Royce: yes as a matter of fact I do there is no easy way to tell you guys this but I have to stop singing for a while. And I won't be able to go on tour until 2 or three years from now.

Radio station: omg really wow and why do you have to stop singing for a couple of years?

Royce: well you see when I came back from tour I wasn't feeling good at all my throat hurt and I felt weak and everything so I went to the doctor yesterday and he said I have blood clots in my lung. From straining my voice from singing to long almost everyday a year after I had another tour and he said it strained my vocal cords and if I don't stop singing to clots can cause me to get a stroke or fall in to a coma.

Radio station: wow Royce that sucks man well just to let you know we're here for you man and we hope you get better soon.

Royce:  thanks man I appreciate it and I love all my fans and I promise I'll be back soon ready to make all new music and everything for the best fans ever I really do love you guys.

But some good news is that my album comes out tomorrow so I hope you guys like it I put a lot of work into it.

Radio station: alright guys you heard him go buy his new album and don't worry he'll be back to music soon. Until then the next guest will be on in 30 minutes.

Aye Royce thank you so much for coming out I know it must've been hard for you to tell your fans all of this especially because it's supposed to be a happy time because your new album is coming out.

Yeah it's not easy I'm still trying to process it all I just I can't believe it my singing career could be over and I love music so it's just a lot to take in right now.

Yeah man I'm sure it is it would suck if this is the last album that you made. But I'm wishing nothing but the best for you.

Thanks man I appreciate it. I should get going now
Ok man take care.

I walk out of the back door of the radio station so upset the words he said saying that this probably was the last album that I would make and he was probably right.

So now that the words out I go on my phone and I see so many tweets and posts all over Instagram and Twitter they're all saying
This is horrible Royce's music can't end he's my favorite singer.
Or feel better Royce we're here for you
You've inspired so many people

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