Hanging out!!!!

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Well today was the last day of our trip and I was gonna just hang out with the bestie and the kids all day.

We were watching a marathon of Austin and ally!!!!. And Ross comes in and Lara goes and has her time with him.

Lara then comes back in the kitchen and says hey change of plans Ross invited me out on a date and we really want to spend a fun quality day together cause his schedule is so busy do you mind?.

No I don't mind go have fun I don't leave till afternoon tomorrow it's fine go have fun!!!.

Kk thanks bestie!!!!. I was going to babysit all the kids today so it was going to be kinda fun!!!!.

They left and I went to the living room and watched a movie with the kids I put on toy story cause I mean it's a classic and it's so good.

About an hour into the movie there was a knock at the door I went and got it and omg it was my friend Laisha that I haven't seen in so long!!!.

Hey omg what's up?!? Omg hi jessa I haven't seen you in such. Long time!!!!. I know right this is awesome.

So what's up? Well I came to see if Lara was here because I haven't seen her in a long time and wanted to chill with her.

Oh cool she went out with Ross but she'll be back later. oh okay let's watch toy story okay!!!!. She said hi to all the kids and we took lots of selfies and had a fun time.

Then at 7pm Lara came home and also looked as surprised as I was OMG hey Laisha!!!! Hey Lara omg finally we see each other this is awesome the three besties are together again.

We played games fangirled about our baes because Laisha is also married to Gerardo Ortiz the famous Mexican singer.

And then we just talked all night!!!. Finally it was 11:00pm and Laisha said she had to go so we hugged and said our goodbyes and then me and Lara went upstairs for bed.

I went into the guest room and Jenni was already asleep so I texted my bae.

Hi baby I miss you so much I'll be back home tomorrow how's gus I love and miss both of my boys muah😍❤️😘.

He answered back right away ..........

Hi princess gus is so good he's been the best and we miss our girls so much I love you so much take care and I can't wait to see my beauties tomorrow💕💖❤️.

Aww now I could sleep well the whole night with that little conversation I had with my Bae.

An hour later I heard the wall shaking behind me and I knew what Lara and Ross were up to woah lol I just winked and chuckled and then finally I fell asleep.

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