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So today is Saturday the day that I go to see if I'm having a boy or a girl. I'm so excited yet anxious at the same time.

When I come down the stairs I find that Royce has made breakfast for me already.

Royce pov: good morning baby would you like some pancakes?

Jessa: I sure would but first I need a kiss.

Royce: that is something that I can help you with come here.

He pulls me in close grabs my waist and kisses me passionately.

"How was that" he ask with a smile on his face. it was amazing I said.

Are you ready to find out what we are having?

Yes I am I'm so excited!!!. So am I Royce said with a adorable smile across his face that shows his dimples.

We get the kids ready and then we head off.

~30 minutes later~
We finally made it to the doctors office and were in the Room waiting for the doctor to come in.

We hear knocks at he door and the doctor comes in. ok you guys you ready to find out what you're having?

We all say yes excitedly. the doctor puts some cold gel on my belly and uses the monitor to check around my stomach.

Ok I found them. them? Yes well it looks like you're having twins!!!.

I can't believe it!!! Royce comes over and kisses me on her cheek.

We're having two more babies!!! He says. and he kids are jumping up and down and are so happy!!.

Ok now do you guys want to know the genders?

Oh yeah the genders we totally forgot. yes of course we would.

Doctor: ok you guys are having a boy and and a girl!!! Congratulations.

Wow that makes it two boys and two girls. yay!!! We're so excited.

After the doctors we went straight to tell the family .

When we arrive we open the door and say we're here!!.

Our moms comes up to us and ask what we're having.

Ok are you guys ready me and Royce say.

We're having twins a boy and a girl!!!.

What omg our moms say and the family have huge smiles on their faces!!!!.

Congratulations you guys we're so excited for you all.

We are too me and Royce hug each other and kiss.

We're so lucky!!!.

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