Amazing day

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I woke up thinking that my baby would be here next to me but he instead was in the kids rooms I could hear him kissing them and getting them dress I let him have his time wih both of them and went downstairs for some coffee.

When I get downstairs I can't believe it my baby made me this amazing breakfast he set the table and everything is sparkling!!!.

He came downstairs with both of the kids dressed and ready for the day. omg I just went up to his face and pulled him in for a passionate kiss. it was perfect.

I love you baby boy I said as I pulled away he just smiled and kissed me again I know that's his way of saying it back!!!.

So baby what do you want to do today? Me baby I thought you had to work? No it's ok the tracks is coming along and everything is going great!!!.

So this day is all yours!!! Aww baby are you serious? Yup so what does my girl want to do today?

I'm not sure how about we go on a romantic date in Times Square and shop around!!!! And then go have dinner!!!!.

Sure baby girl it's our special day!!!. Thank you my baby I love you so much!!!!.

I love you too!!!!.

We get dressed and drop the kids off at Jess's parent house and then head off to our special date.

We get to time square and we were so excited we decided to go shopping Jessa went into forever 21 and went crazy!!!.

She tried on a couple of dresses and some new shoes and finally we were out!!!. Lol I didn't mid it tho spending time with my baby doing whatever is still perfect.

Then we went to the Levi's store and I got a nice new pair of skinny dark blue jeans and a white v neck shirt.

We went to go get some Starbucks coffee and just keep walking around it was really cold so we snuggled up close to each other and kept warm!!!.

We saw the game stop and went in I went and saw gta5 the special edition and had to play it on the monitor It was so much fun but then Jessa came up to me and started kissing my neck and damn I got so distracted that I died!!!.

She knows hot to get my attention and I love it!!!. Finally we go to m&m world and go crazy I love it so much we get book bags and glasses out of m&m it was so much fun my bae and I loved it.

We ended the night going to eat at tgif Friday's while we sat so close to each other and cuddled I started into my baby girls beautiful wife brown eyes and was so mesmerized by them she's just so perfect.

She kept blushing and I started to want more I went closer to her and started kissing her neck we finished dinner and went straight home because the kids were going to spend the night at her parents house.

When we get home we go directly upstairs to bed but we both knew we weren't going to sleep just yet we started kissing and getting deeper into each other and the night ended with a big session of that and it was perfect uff!!!.

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