Jenny's 7th birthday

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I woke up today feeling so happy I can't believe this day is here my baby girl jenni is turning seven today wow time really does go by fast.

We're having her party at a trampoline park with all her cousins so they can all run around and have fun.

But first was breakfast do I decided to make her her favorite breakfast which consist of a smiley face pancake and so strawberries. I hear feet coming down the stairs and its Jessa with the babies.

Oh here babe let me help you i grab Gabriela and she has Josue in her arms damn baby you look so pretty she was wearing a knee length blue dress with gold flats and she curled her hair.

Ahh thanks baby well I was feeling down so I decided to spice things up and I feel so much better. Ah well I'm so glad you do.

And soon after we hear gus and Jenni coming down the stairs happy birthday jenni we say as she comes in the kitchen not knowing what's going on. She smiles and claps her hands.

We pick her up and kiss her cheeks.

~ 2 hours later~
We have finally arrived at the castle place and all of the family is just about here this place is so cool.

Jenni is grabbed by her cousins to go off and play. While me and Jessa sit down with the babies. We Hana fun time talking with family and friends while the kids played.

Then we all ate some pizza and milkshakes and there was a face painter who painted our faces after all that excitement it was time to sing happy birthday and eat some cake.

We call all the kids over to the table and bring out the princess cake we start singing ...... Make a wish we say she closes her eyes and blows the candles  out good job we all start clapping for her and she loves it.

So now it's time for presents she sits in her princess chair and everyone starts giving her their presents. And finally it was our turn we gave her the bag and helped her opened it we bought her a new dress and shoes and a make up kit and a a Nintendo ds She loved it she ran over to us and gave us a big hug and a kiss.

Happy birthday princess Jessa and I say as we hug her we love you with all our hearts baby girl.

~ 3 hours later~
We just got home and all the kids are passed out as We tuck Gus and jenni in their beds and kiss them goodnight.

And then we changed clothes and went to bed ourselves today was a fun day.

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