A family of 6

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I wake up check the clock it's 2:45 in the morning and I'm in so much pain but I don't know if it's labor because my water hasn't broken yet.

I roll over Royce baby wake up, royce shoots up out of bed.

Jessa baby what's wrong?
I don't know for sure but I think I'm in ouch labor.

Really baby omg let's go to the hospital come on.

What about the baby's? We'll drop them off on the way to the hospital at your parents house.

ouch, I'll go get the bags baby stay right here I go take the bags and put them in the car ok everything's in the car.

About how frequent are you contractions baby?

Every 9 minutes. Ok baby are you ready come on I go get the baby's out of bed and I put them in their car seats.

I can't believe it were going to meet our babies today.

We made it to Jessas parents house I knock on the door and Michelle opens it half asleep.

Hi Michelle I'm so sorry we dropped in unexpectedly but Jessas in labor and I'm taking her to the hospital do you mind watching the kids.

Of course not omg this is amazing go go and text us with all the updates be safe.

We will thank you so much.

I get back into the car and drive off to the hospital.

My baby is squeezing my hand every time she gets a contraction.

Baby breathe Jess breathe were almost there.

Finally we make it to the hospital. My wife's in labor can she please get a room?

Sure right this way can you please sign in.

While I sign in they wheel Jessa to the room.

As soon as I was done I went directly there. Ok so ms Rojas it looks like you're dilated to a 4 but for an epidural you need to be at a 5 or more.

Ok thank you Doctor,sure I'll be back to check on you later.

The doctor leaves

Baby I'm so excited our babies are going to be here so soon.

Soon so soon we're going to be a family of 6

I know it's so crazyim so happy but this pain ugh. I know babe I'm so sorry try to get some rest because it's the middle of the night and in a couple of hours you will be working hard.

Ok I will I pull the sheets over her and kiss her forehead.

I'm seriously the luckiest guy to have found my one true love and the woman of my dreams.

~ 3 hours later~
I didn't sleep much it was more of an on and off sleep just imaging my life of being a Daddy of four kids and being so excited to finally meet the babies.

But I'm so glad my baby was able to rest and sleep.

The doctors come in and check Jessa and she's at a 9.

Ok ms Rojas I think it's time to start pushing. Just give us a second while we get everything set up for the birth.

Baby this is it we're going to meet our little babies so soon you're so strong baby I know you can do this.

Royce baby I'm scared. No baby don't be I'm gonna be right here with you for the whole thing I kiss her forehead and hold her hand.

Ok ms Rojas give me some big pushes here.

~After pushing for about a minute~.

Ok jessa this is it the final stretch here comes baby number 1 and pushhh.

Finally we hear crying and its your baby girl that wanted to meet you guys first.

Aww omg Royce she's beautiful. She looks just like her mommy and jenni.

Tears start rolling down my cheeks aww baby I just can't believe our second daughter.

I know she's so perfect, you did so good baby.

Ok ms Rojas time to do it one more time.

And push push push ok a little more I see his head Jessa you're doing great baby I kiss her forehead and hold her hand.

While our baby girl is on her chest she keeps pushing. And here's your son.

Omg baby there's you're second mini me. They hand him off to Jessa and we're in love all over again.

Jessa Baby you did amazing you're amazing we have 4 kids now I love you so much.

Congratulations guys so what are their names?

Well we've been talking and the boy is Josue

And the girl is Gabriela.

Aww how precious that's beautiful. I know there perfect.

Ok daddy here you go your turn to get to hold them.

I pull up a chair and the nurse hands me my babies omg I just can't believe they look just like Gus and jenni.

Hi babies I'm your daddy welcome to this world I love you I kiss their little cheeks.

The doctors weigh them. They're both and even 7 lbs 2 ounces.

Wow they're pretty big babies. Ok baby I'm going to go tell the family the good news.

I walk over to the waiting room. There here happy and healthy.

Everyone jumps up yay!!!, let's go see them
I walk them over to the room I carry the kids to go meet their new baby brother and sister.

Jenni and Gus and everyone meet Josue and Gabriela Rojas.

Omg Royce and Jessa they're beautiful congratulations.

Everyone holds the babies and of course our parents shed tears of joy.

After they left it was just the 6 of us together for the first turn as a big family.

Gus and jenni already loved their baby siblings so much.

Mi amor can you believe it these are our kids all four of these.

I know it crazy I love it. I love it to.

And I love you must of all thank you Royce for making me a mommy and the happiest woman in the world I love you so so much.

I love you so much more baby we lean
in and kiss passionately.

Welcome to the world Gabriela and Josue Rojas born on July 14th 2015 you are so loved❤️.

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