First day of school

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~5 years later~
Well today is the first day of kindergarten for both of my babies it's hard to believe that these five years have gone by so fast.

Ahh I know I'm gonna cry a lot today so I'm preparing myself.

I get up early and make them their favorite breakfast pancakes and bacon with some orange juice. I pack both of their lunches pb&j.

Royce is already up taking a shower and getting dressed. I go wake the kids up at 6:30.

Their clothes are all laid out for them and ready to wear.

Ok babies are you ready for your first officially day at kindergarten?

Yay!!!!. Royce comes down the stairs and the kids quickly jump to him.

Daddy!!!! I love how much they love their daddy it melts my heart.

Royce pov: hi babies are you ready for your first day of school?

Gus jumps up and down and is all excited while Jenni is scared and quiet.

We get in the car and head off to the school on the way to school we tell the kids that they're going to love school and we sing songs.

~30 min later~
Ok we're here. the teachers calls all the kids into the classroom so we had to say goodbye.

Royce pov: by daddy says Gus by son I love you my boy have fun I give him a hug and a kiss.

Aww jenni baby don't cry mommy and daddy will be right here right after school. I love you baby girl I give her a big hug and kiss.

Jessa's pov: oh come here my babies I love you guys so so much have fun I'll miss you so much I hug them tight and give them each a kiss.

They walk into the school both holding hands and waving good bye at us.

We blow them a big kiss.

As we walk away my baby girl starts crying.

Baby everything is going to be ok. Trust me. she layed her head on my shoulder as I kissed her forehead.

I love you she said. I love you more.

We decided we'd go get some coffee at Starbucks.

I got a latte. and my baby girl got a frappe. we just sat and thought back about all the memories we've had with our babies.

Before we knew it it was 2:00pm and it was time to pick up the kids.

We go and wait outside the front door.

Then all the kids started started coming out. and out of the corner of my eye I saw my babies.

Me and my Royce ran to get them.

Mommy daddy Gus ran to daddy and Jenny ran to me. oh we missed you guys so much how was school?.

It was so cool we had a nap and we had some snacks and we colored!!!.

Wow that's awesome. we're so glad that you guys liked school.

Yay!!! Let's go home and have dinner.

Okay daddy say the kids. wow this was a huge milestone in the our babies lives they're growing up so fast!!!.

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