First day with twins

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This morning I went to go get Gus and jenni from grandma and grandpas house to surprise mommy while she was sleeping

Then we went to the gift shop to get a card balloons and flowers.

We came in quietly and the kids went and kissed mommy on the check.

Good morning mommy. What hi my babies good morning.

Babe you went to pick them up?

Yeah, aww that's amazing thank you baby.

You're welcome

Well we all just wanted to give you a cute surprise when you woke up.

Aww and I love it thank you guys. And we have a couple of other things to give you.

We hand her the balloons and the roses wow they're beautiful thank you my two babies and my big baby.

But there is one more thing we bought you a card and wrote you a little something.

Jessa baby thank you for making me the happiest man on earth for showing me what true love is and giving me the most precious gifts our four babies you guys are the most important thing In the world to me and I love you with all my heart.

Ps. Even after giving birth you look hot👌.

Aww baby come here thank you so much I don't know what to say I'm speechless and overwhelmed it's beautiful I love you.

She was crying so much by now.

Well kids what do you think do you think mommy liked her gifts.

They both smile and shake their heads yes.

Do you guys want to hold you new brother and sister.

They both smiled so I sat them down on the bed next to mommy and we place the babies carefully on each of their laps.

Jenni you and your sister are going to be best friends only two years apart your going to have so much fun playing together.

And Gus you and Josue are going also going to be best friends and probably fight together a lot and play with cars.

This is so surreal well by midday the kids were getting restless so I had to take them back home.

Today was such a fun and special day it was the first day as a family of 6 together.

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