Busy schedule

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Today my bae left early for the studio again
and I was kinda feeling lonely and bored. I was really missing my friends but they all live in California so I decided to pay them a little suprise visit.

I went online and found airline tickets for a couple a days in California. I was just going to take jenni because going with two kids was really hard and also so my baby wouldn't be lonely.

I was so excited I couldn't wait. I heard the door open and it was my baby!!!!.

Jessa: hey baby I missed you so much!!!!

Royce: hi princess I missed you so much!!!

I pulled her closer to me and kissed her. lately I've been so busy at the studio I haven't had time to remind her of how much I love her.

Baby I have to tell you something. so today while I was at home I was really missing my friends so I went on line I found some airline tickets that leave tomorrow for Cali is that okay baby?

Baby of course it is I want you to go out and see your friends and just have fun but what about the kids?

Well I'm going to take jenni and I thought that gus could stay here with you because he'll miss you to much and you guys can have fun guy time.

Lol ok baby it's going to be soo much fun right baby boy he leans in and kisses his cheek. Thank you baby I love you so much.

I love you to my princess.

I'm gonna miss my boys so much. You gotta hold down the fort while we're gone no parties!!!!.

Okay I promise baby!!! Lol.

We decided to go out and eat dinner together before we wouldn't see each other for a few days.

my parents watched the kids at our house.

Wow my baby looked gorgeous she was wearing a black pair skinny jeans with a gold long shirt with boots. ahh I love this woman so much!!!.

We went to eat at Olive Garden we shared our plate we had some pasta with shrimp it was so good.

We ended the day just walking in the park holding hands and talking.

Princess have I told you today how much I love you?

Hmm I'm not sure!

Well in that case I love you with my whole heart you mean the world to me princess and I'm so glad that I have you in my life.

Aww baby boy I love you so much you have no idea how happy you make me.

He smiles with his big smirk he leans me agains a tree and we have a small make out session that was very passionate.

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