Newborn homecoming

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Well today's the day we finally get to bring our babies home.

We changed them into their cute onesies and then left the hospital.

We finally got home and Gus and jenni were asleep so we put them down in their room and then spend the whole rest of the afternoon bonding with the babies.

It so crazy knowing that these two are a part of our family now and that we're parents of four kids.

So babe I ask Jessa what do you feel like eating? Um honestly we can just have some soup or something light I'm so tired.

Ok babe sounds good I'll get that going I make some chicken and rice soup and cook some veggies on the side. As soon as I was done making dinner I hear the kids coming down the stairs I sit them each at their place on the table and Jessa comes over with the baby's.

For the rest of the night after dinner we went upstairs and gave the kids a bath and watched a movie.

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