Not feeling well

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I just turned 9 months pregnant a couple of days of ago and I'm so tired.

My belly hurts I have stretch marks all over and my feet are swollen.

I know that in the end this will all be worth it.

But for the time being I'm miserable.

Royce's pov: well this is it we're in the home stretch any day now the baby's can come and I know jess is in so much pain im trying my best to keep her happy. I hate seeing her hurting.

I make breakfast for the whole family some chocolate chip pancakes and bacon.

I go help Jess up from the couch to the table

Here babe come sit down. Oww my feet.
I'm so sorry baby.

Chocolate chip pancakes really Royce? You know I'm already so fat and I'm going to need to diet.

Baby you're not fat you're beautiful just the way you're.

And plus you know chocolate chips your favorite here have a bite you'll feel better.

~15 minutes later~
Damn baby those pancakes were good.

See I told you a little chocolate chip pancakes will fix things.

I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier baby it's just I'm miserable.

It's ok baby I still love you I lean in and give her a kiss.

I clean up breakfast and then head into the living room with the kids.

I go get cream from the bathroom and massage my baby's feet.

Aww thank you baby I need this,just relax baby I got you.

Royce starts massaging my feet and they start feeling so much better.

~1 hour later~
Damn baby you're a good massager thank you so much I feel 10x better I love you so much.

I love you more baby I just want you to be happy again and I promise you before you know it all this will be over and we'll be a family of 6.

We lean in close and he kisses my passionately I love it.

The baby's climb up on the sofa with us and we spend the rest of the day watching Netflix

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