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I had to wake up early today my plane took off at 7 am so I had to be at the airport at 4am. so I had to wake up at 3 am.

I got up and showered really quickly I know in California it's supposed to be really hot so I put on my skinny blue shorts with a blue tank top and blue converse.

But it was still cold in New York so I had to put sweats and a sweater over my clothes. I put my hair in a braid and went to get jenni dressed.

But when I walked in she was already all dressed!!!!. Baby you dressed her? Of course I did I'm going to miss her so much I wanted to spend extra time with her in the morning before my princess and queen left.

Aww baby you're just amazing I love you so much!!!! I love you too baby you ready to go to the airport. baby your taking us?

Of course baby girl I want to spend every second I can with my girls before I wont see them for a whole week!!!!.

Aww baby you're the best man I could ever fall in love with and call my husband I love you so much!!!!!

Impossible you're my everything princess!!!. Aww I pulled her in closer and gave her a passionate kiss.

Then finally we went a woke up gus he was a little fussy i got him dress and put him in cute little skinny jeans and a cute v neck that says daddy's best friend!!!!. Just because they're going to be together all week oh man I just love my boys!!!!!.

Finally everyone was ready to go. we hopped in the limo and headed to the airport. on the way there I just laid my head on my baby's shoulder while he sang addicted in my ear!!!.

After about 20 minutes we arrived at the airport and got off we checked our bags and went to security and then they called our plane to leave.

This part was the part I've been dreading all day I don't wanna say goodbye I hate goodbyes.

Royce: mi amor take care baby girl call me if you need anything ok baby I love you so much have fun and take care of both of you guys you guys are my life I'll be thinking about my princesses everyday.

Jessa: I will baby don't worry about anything I love you more have fun with gus and call me anytime baby I'm going to miss both of you so much.

We looked into eachothers eyes and he pulled me in and gave me the most passionate kiss ever.

I Hugged and kissed my baby boy!!! And my prince did the same wih his baby girl!!!.

Last call for passengers please board now!!! I knew this time I really had to go!!! As we were in the runway we blew one last kiss and we were off!!!.

The plane ride was 3 hours long but jenni acted just like and angel it was perfect!!!.

When I landed in L.A it was so warm in perfect now I just needed to get a cab and go to my besties house to meet her kids!!!!

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