Whats next?

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So the news is out there in a way it feels good to be able to talk about it and let people and my fans know what's going on but it's also hard to see people feel sorry for me or say mean things about how I'm weak and stuff like that.

I take a drive down to the music studio just so I can sit there and think I started my dream of music and becoming a singer in a small little apartment and now I have a studio where I've recorded so many of my songs and made a couple of my albums it's surreal.

As I'm mixing some beats around I get a text from Jess
Hey baby you know I'm so proud of you for what you did it's not easy to tell the Public about this. But you did and you're amazing don't worry you'll be back to singing in no time I love you so much you have all my support in whatever you want to do the kids and I love you so much call me whenever you need to.
Seriously she's so amazing I'm so lucky to have her she is my world I text her back
Thank you my love that means a lot to me I love you and the kids so much thank you for supporting me in everything that I do.

I finish walking around the studio and head home I open the door and my dad is there and just gives me this great big hug.
Geoffrey son it'll be ok
Yeah hijo my mom says you're such an amazingly talented person you're gonna figure it out.
I just start sobbing and then Jess comes in and hugs me tight and kisses my forehead.

I compose myself and just hug her tightly and kiss her lips l love you guys thank you for having my back I know I'll figure it out but in the meantime I'm just frustrated. Like I had just gone on my first tour in a couple of years and released this new album and then it turns out that I might not be able to sing again.
Like what do I do next??

Geoffrey son that's up to you fortunately you have the money thanks to your career that you can really use the break to get better and do new things you can travel with the family. Take vacations and everything. Just explore.

Yeah you might be right. I'll think about it. My parents leave and it just me and Jess as they offered to take the kids for the night.

It's was quiet it was just me and my girl sitting on the couch cuddling she makes me feel so much better by just being next to me.

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