Summer Special

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A/N: Well I thought to welcome the new year that is 2021. Saying good bye that was the crap feast of 2020. I thought why don't I release the summer special because why not. So here it is my Naruto Summer Special because I am not waiting until summer to release it. Plus this may help distract the readers who have the weather cold and not hot. This one shot is told in third p.o.v and that is all I have to say. I hope you enjoy this.

It was a hot day in the summer and for once none of the Naruto cast had a recording session. So they decided why not go to the beach and relax for once. Misaki and Kaoru had rejected the offer to do who knows what. All of the konoha 11 had just piled out when Uta got everyone. They exchanged a look. "Alright guys since we have some time off. I thought of the perfect idea" If we can get the owners to agree. We will be holding a one day contest with each team. Attempting to bring the most customers which ever two teams win don't have to pay for their mean. Now do you want to?"

"Yes free food", Choji cried. As all of the genin exchanged a look before. Soon almost everyone got into costumed and were at diffrent booths and started to sell things. Uta had created three shadows clones and got a clip board so they could each count how many customers each team gets. While the real Uta was with Team Kakashi. Naruto held a tray of shaved ice calling out to Uta. As Sakura began to scold him about goofying. Kakashi meanwhile held a book to his mouth. As they kept attracting customer after customer. Growing more and more popular with each customer served. Team Gai wasn't doing so bad either. Neji had somehow been dragged into dressing like a girl.

"Looks like team gai went with Neji as their attraction", Uta stated trying to hold in a laugh.

"I am not going to lose to bushy brown believe it", Naruto stated as he served more and more.

"Naruto you idiot get back to work", Sakura cried out. Yet after seeing Team Gai work Naruto kept doing things wrong. Causing some accidents to happen with customers. Uta took a look to see that all the other teams seemed to doing well in their own way. This one is going to be close Uta thought. As the event continued by the end Team Kakashi won by a landslide with Team Gai coming in second. By the end Team Asuma and Team Kurenai had lost. Team Kurenai got third and was close to Team Gai sales. Probably because they have Hinata Uta thought. Before she announced the winner. Asuma let out a sigh knowning full well he would probably be broke by the end of this. Especially not only with Choji to pay for but the rest of the gang. Uta patted his back with sympathy as the kids in the ocean and sent the rest of the time they had enjoying themselves before feasting on food. Because what if a day at the beach without food? Just enjoying each other company because that is the fun of the beach.


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