✩ 13✩

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Note: So since I couldn't find any other pictures of the kids guarding anyone. I was forced to use this one.


Itachi p.o.v

As Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura got in front of me their kunai ready. My brother shargian already activated. I had managed to hold down mine. Trying to hold down my sharigan was harder then I thought it would be. Uta got ready before she quickly began to weave the signs. She even let out a yawn. She weaved the signs for summoning justu. The two men looked like they were ready to laugh at her. Uta let out one of her smiles. She let out a yawn before weaving the signs for fire ball justu. She rarely used it but if a someone can avoid that means they will be some sort fight against her. Both of them dodged it. She smiled another cunning smile.

"Is that all you got", one asked?

"I believe this shall be easier then we thought", the other asked.

"I agree Kaoru my love", the man with sandy blond hair said letting his hand creep up the man's chest before stroking his cheek.

"What hell is going on", Naruto asked not knowing what was going on.

Causing both Sakura and Sasuke to hit their heads. "Naruto are you really that idiotic", they both asked at the same time.

""This should be somewhat fun", she said before giving me a look. Causing me to understand what she was getting at. She was always sympathic to those type of people I thought. "Kakashi I can handly this one alone", Uta told Kakashi.

"Uta I don't think", Kakashi started to say. Before Uta gave him a cold look. "I can handle this I suggest you live. I would prefer you not see this. It will be quick I promise. Just take the kids away. We both know what will happen if Naruto gets hurt. I will deal with these two and guard the client. NOW LEAVE", she said coldly. Kakashi nodded before he got the kids to leave as Uta and I watched them leave. As soon as they were far enough both Uta and I smiled.

"You guys are lucky I am rather sympathic toward love of either gender even if they are foes. So let me cut you a deal you tell nobody about this and we don't kick your ass"

"Kaoru I think that might not be a good idea. I just remembered who she is", the man with raven hair and aqua blue eyes whispered to Kaoru.

Kaoru looked at Uta for a moment before she smiled a cunning smile. "Now you realize who I am it's about time"

"Misaki who is she my love?"

"She is Uta known as the ice cold queen of the battlefield. Little is known about all that is known she is powerful even through she isn't of either the Uchiha or the Hyuga clan. People say if you face her in battle you are destined to lose"

"We can take her", Kaoru insisted.

"I would not go for that because it seems you already know who I am", Itachi said before letting his appearance be known the justu no longer being on. As he revealed his own shargian. "Now are you sure you want to continue to attempt to face us. Feel free but let's just say we won't let you go undamaged"

The pair exchanged a look. "Fine", Kaoru responded.

"Glad we came to an agreement. Now here is what we are going to do. Now since you will probably be exiled or worse in your own village for failing the mission. We shall let you join us. Now you are not to tell anyone that Itachi is here and if you attempt to tell any of them especially Sasuke. Let's just say things won't end as well as they did now"

"We understand truth is the only reason we took this job was to find a place where we could be together and not be exiled because of it", Misaki explained.

"I believe I can give that then. Last I checked at the leaf we allow either gender marriage. So you shall be fine. For now just join us. We could use the both of you", Uta said with a smile. As the two exchanged a look and shrugged their shoulders.

"Why not we have nothing else to lose at this point", Kaoru said. Before extending out a hand and Uta took it and shook it. As we relayed everything to them. They got the idea of it. Because we felt as if we could trust them.I dawned my disguise again. Before we went to catch up with the group. Uta caught Kakashi up on all he needed to know. After convincing the kids they seemed to be fine with it. As we all continued to make our way toward the hidden rain. Little did we know that the mission was going to be even more then this.

Author Note: So what is my writing without one gay couple. I am kidding but seriously if you didn't get it Misaki and Kaoru are together. They will be important in the later chapters. They will a good example in this story. If you are against same sex couples then it will be better if you don't continue to read this. Because both of them as stated are important for later chapters. 

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