✩ 17✩

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Uta p.o.v

Kakashi and I had lost the kids assuming they went back to their room. We were about to go to ours when Kakashi suggested we go out drinking. Before I could say anything Kakashi dragged me to the bar inside the inn. Before I could refuse.

*After a number of sake drinks*

Kakashi had a number of sake and now he seemed to wobbling barely holding himself up. "Uta", he said with a hick. I let out a sigh he never was the best drinker when he was depressed.

"Okay I think you have had a little too much to drink. Come with me", I offered helping him up from the bar. Guiding him to our room opening the door setting him of his bed. Before he stripped off everything all except his boxers. Leaving me with a shirtless and maskless Kakashi on the other side. Kakashi laided down before letting out another hic.

"Uta since I probably won't remember any of *hic* this tomorrow . Can we talk?"

"Sure why not Kakashi", I said with a shrug

"First of all Uta why don't you love me *hic*", Kakashi asked?

"Kakashi I", I started.

"Don't worry you don't have *hic* answer Uta. You know lately been *hic* having dreams with a girl *hic* that looks alot like you *hic* in them. I wonder why"

"Kakashi I", I was about to say. When Kakashi gave me a half smile.

"Uta I was wondering *hic* can you sleep with me *hic* at least for tonight or *hic* until I fall asleep", Kakashi asked with hic.

"I don't see why not it's only one night. Plus we are both adults we can handle this", I lied before walking over taking the other side of Kakashi. Before getting myself in the covers before looking at Kakashi for a second. As I stroked Kakashi soft hair as he began to drift off. Soon he was peacefully sleeping. I couldn't help but smile he had always looked so peaceful when sleeping. The legendary copy ninja so defendless when sleeping. I was tempted to fall asleep next to him. But I knew if I did it would hurt even more. I hated lying to Kakashi but I couldn't sleep next to him or I might not be able to handle myself tomorrow. I got out of the bed before going over to my own settling down. But for some reason I couldn't fall asleep the next thing I knew it was morning. Hopefully today will pass without accident I thought before getting up. Passing by Kakashi I knew he probably won't be up until later I went to info the other that we might be leaving late. As I shut the door behind me but not before stealing one last look at Kakashi.

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