✩ 7✩

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Sakura p.o.v

I had been hiding in a high tree trying to avoid Uta-sensei until I could find a weak spot. When she wasn't looking. If only Naruto and Sasuke were here they could help me I thought to myself. When I remembered what Uta-sensei told me. That I always relayed on the boys and no matter how much I hated to admit it she was right. I always considered and acted as if I were full-fledged kunoichi. I claim that I am in love with Sasuke telling anyone who will listen. I lecture Naruto acting as if I know so much more then him when I don't. It's all empty words in the end because I always just watch them from behind I thought to myself. I thought about the missions we had gone beforehand as a team even including the recent A-ranked mission to the land of waves. How Sasuke protected me from the attackers and the way Naruto stood bravely in front of Zabuza. How they both were able to help Kakashi-sensei while I just stood around doing nothing. No matter what has happened those two they were always there for me. They always covered my back no matter what happens. No matter how many times they could have died they always protecting me. Uta-sensei was right I had always relayed on them but no more. Now it's time that does something about it. Now it is my turn to take the lead and have them watch me I thought as I started to weave hand signs for the clone justu. My clone coming out of the brushes. "So you finally decide to come out Sakura show me what you got", Uta-sensei said with a smirk. My clone went to attack her and she blocked her as I prepared to make another round when she found me. "This is where you have been hiding", she announced with a smile.

"But how you were just down through"

"Oh sweet Sakura that was a mere clone do you honestly think it would be that easy to take my bell", she said with a sigh. Before held a kunai to my neck. "You should just give up now Sakura. It would save me the effort"

"No way no more", I cried.

She let out a sigh. "Fine don't say I didn't warn you", she said before I felt myself get punched then get wrapped around. "Leaf barrage", she said as took me and caused us both to fall. I landed hard on the ground while a log appeared. Substantial justu I thought to look at places she could be. Above, behind, if she isn't she has to be below I thought before a hand came up as she popped up from the ground. No matter what I tried through she kept dodging me and nearing the two-hour mark I was beaten up bruised and sore. Naruto... Sasuke I am sorry I thought to myself. When I barely got myself up. I knew I couldn't beat her when it came to strength so I needed to surprise her but how. That's when an idea hit me how to beat her. I charged up my charka as Kakashi sensei taught me. Before weaving the clone justu. Before sending charka to my feet for a burst of speed and as she hit the clones I grabbed the bell before falling back but not before hitting her hard. "I am not a cry baby anyone you play with fire and you get burned Uta-sensei cha", I cried. She got up before smiling and walking over to me. Before ruffling my hair.

"For a rookie, you are pretty good job Sakura", she told me. As I let out a huge smile. Not long after that both Naruto and Sasuke came running toward me with their bells in their hand. Naruto wearing a huge smile on their face with Kakashi-sensei not far behind them.

"Believe it we all passed", Naruto cried. Uta-sensei let out a sigh.

"Just so you all know Kakashi and I didn't put everything into it. That was just so you all would try and put an effort into beating us. But you still managed to grab the bells so congrats", Uta-sensei announced with no emotion. "Tonight both Kakashi and I will treat you all earned it"

As Naruto let out a cheer I couldn't help but smile. As we all walked to get something to eat. Sasuke congratulated me on passing and at that moment I was glad I didn't give up. We were all making our way back to the village. Kakashi-sensei suggested we all go get ramen as a treat. He looked like he was about to invite Uta-sensei(who I think he has a thing for). When she vanished without a world leaving me being the only girl as always but at least this meant I could spend more time with Sasuke. So either way it works out for me. And maybe if luck is on our side we will finally be able to see Kakashi-sensei face behind his mask. I hid a smile before pulling Naruto and Sasuke away telling Kakashi-sensei to go ahead. As I discussed a potential plan with them after all with Naruto there everything may go to hell in a hand basket. Oh well we will just have to see.

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