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Kakashi p.o.v

The sound of chirping like bird noises emitted from the blue lightning that I had in my hand. As I ran toward the final enemy and directed my blast toward him. I saw a girl with short brown hair and purple marks step in front of me in front of my blast. But before I could take the blast back. It was already too late I had already stabbed it through her heart. And as I pulled it out she coughs up a sum of red blood from her mouth and was already falling toward me. She then mouthed a single name my name before she fell onto me. I then closed my eyes for a second wishing this wasn't real. That this was a nightmare that I hadn't just killed one of my comrades that I hadn't just broken my promise to Obito. But when I opened my eyes again expecting to wake up all I saw was here on me. I then gave her one last tight hug wrapping my free arm around her and hugged her tightly. Before letting go and letting her fall into the waiting arms of another person. With long black hair and blue eyes whose face was stained with tears. She was wearing a leaf village jounin vest. Then she looked toward me with a single glance that made my heart ark for a moment a look of sadness. The last thing I saw was darkness and when I opened my eyes this time. I saw the ceiling of my bedroom in my apartment. I didn't see the girl I had killed or the girl who was crying. I didn't even remember the name of the girl who was crying. She was a blur to me. Instead of my usual recurring nightmare of me killing Rin and her dying in my arms. Before I wake up from it I have been seeing a girl who is always crying. But when I wake up I don't remember who she is but when I do wake up from it for some reason my heart aches for this girl. But I decided to shake it off I thought to myself. I then grumbled then got out of bed to get ready for training for the day. And when I looked toward the clock it read 7:00 am I was already more than two hours late for a meeting with my team. I wonder what excuse I should use this time I thought to myself as I got dressed and slipped my mask on. Then grabbed me what people call adult porn book slipping it back in my pouch. Then headed out the door of my apartment into the early sunlight. The early morning sun dawning over the hidden leaf as the people going through their regular routines. I could see people beginning to open up their shops. I could hear the cries of children who didn't know yet of the hardships of being a ninja. Running around, laughing and playing around the village. Some of them ran past me with the early morning rays shone above them. It was another day in the leaf. And as I began to make my way toward the training grounds where years ago I met with Minato-sensei, Rin, and Obito. When I remembered that Minato-sensei told me to come to meet him this evening after training about something. He told me this yesterday as I filed in team seven last mission report yesterday. I made my way toward the training ground half reading and half paying attention in front of me as I walked past all the familiar places I have been and seen almost every day of my life. I saw someone walk ahead of me her long black hair flowing behind her. I then shook my head a bit confused. huh, she looks like that girl I saw in the dream. I then tucked my novel into my back pouch then ran up toward her to get a closer view this time I saw. She had not only long black hair but blue eyes along with a leaf village jounin vest just like the girl in my dream. I was about to say something to her asking who she was? I was about to say something she then smiled then held up her two front fingers then poofed and was gone. "Damn it" I mentally cursed in my head. I began to make my way to the training ground.

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