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Uta p.o.v

I had barely managed to dodge Kakashi I thought to make my way to the old training ground. When I reached the ground I had expected it to be empty only to see three kids sitting there. A guy with blond hair looking a lot like Minato-sensei, a guy with black hair looking a bit like Itachi, and a girl with long cherry pink hair and green eyes. I made my way closer to the group from a nearby tree. I could recognize the first two Naruto and Sasuke but still didn't know who the girl was. I was making my closer and closer when I heard a familiar voice call out to them. "To see Kakashi standing there I had been about to transport when Kakashi saw me. Your late", Naruto and the sakura cherry haired girl said in unison to Kakashi. Kakashi smiled at them "Sorry I just lost on the path of life". I felt my heartache after Kakashi's voice for the first time in years. I missed hearing his voice, being able to work by his side every day, just being near him made me happy. Seeing the new team seven brought back memories of the old team seven. I watched them training on the same grounds where we all once trained together. The sun was beginning to set by the time they finished training. After seeing them pack up I began to make my way to the Hokage's office. The evening sun setting striking over the across the village when I reached the office. I opened the door to see Minato-sensei still doing his paperwork from the day. "Uta, it's a pleasure to see you again. Have you made your decision on whether you want to join the new team seven", he asked?

I smiled and looked at him. "Yes, I would like to join Team Seven. Minato-sensei are you sure what about the elder of elders they are fine with this?"

"Danzo, of course, was opposed to it but he can't say anything since he is still on probation since the Root accident", a voice said. I looked to see Lord Third standing at the down I bowed.

"Lord Third", I said with a bow. He smiled a sad smile toward me.

"It's been a while hasn't it?"

"Yes, it has Lord Third", I said with a smile.

"I will be discussing the details with Kakashi. I am sure he will be fine with it through"

"So what made you suddenly want me to return after all these years?", I asked I have been wondering since I got the letter a few days ago I thought.

"It has been twelve years since the nine tail attack and the night that Kushina died. Leaving Naruto with me. A few years have passed since you and Itachi killed his clan. Since then Naruto and Sasuke along with Sakura Haruno have graduated from the academy and are now under the Kakashi team. For some reason out of the blue one of the elders suggested you join Kakashi as team seven leader at our last meeting after the recent land of waves accident was finished. In fact, he should be waiting outside as we speak " Minato-sensei told me.

"Okay then should I use a fake name or will my real name by fine?", I asked.

"Your real name should be fine Uta", he said bluntly. "Is there anything else you may want to say before I have Kakashi come in,?'' Minato-sensei asked.

"Yes, Minato-sensei I suspect Kakashi may be remembering who I am. I forgot to tell you that he saw me this morning on my way here. He looked like he wanted to ask me something. I feel that means he is starting to realize a bit about who I may be. I am worried about that Minato-sensei what if he remembers that night," I said panicking a bit.

"Well, he hasn't said anything to me about it. And I think it will be fine, I don't want you to have erased his memories along with the others without having a reason to. So as long as he doesn't come to me about it then I think you should be fine, Minato-sensei said calmly. "If that is all then I presume I can call Kakashi in and talk to him about,'' he told me. I then nodded my head, yes holding back the tears of being near him again after all these years. I then opened the door then motioned for Kakashi to come in. He then smiled and came in.

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