✩ 10✩

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Uta p.o.v

I was standing next to Kakashi as Minato-sensei looked over the clipboard with the sheet. I flashed back to the night before. Minato has briefed Itachi and me on what was going to happen today. He was going to assign us a simple escort mission with Itachi as my fake ex-boyfriend. Him having to get a scroll to the hidden rain. My job was to act suprise that it happened. The Fourth Hokage was willing to pay us for the mission but for some reason Itachi offered up the reward. I tried to reject it but Itachi insisted on paying the fee. It would be a seemgily easy mission a simple C ranked nothing to hard. We were to get him to the hidden rain safely after he had handed the fouth a scroll from the hidden rain. But Itsuki wanted protection going back just in chance. That would be the story. It should go easy and the only flaw would be if Itachi blows his cover for any reason. Once we got rain Itachi would then continue on without issue. Destorying the content of the scroll. As Minato-sensei briefed us on the misson. After Naruto complained as always before Kakashi managed to shut him up. Itachi came from behind the door, his shargian not there. His hair now long and brown. Wearing diffrent clothes then his usual outfit. I put my hands together hopping that nobody would recognize him. If they were to them the mission would be crumble. Not only that but the real purpose of the Uchiha Massacre might be revealed. "What the hell is he doing here? Lord Fourth this man he is", I started the lie.

"I know he is your ex but if we want to continue our good status with the land of the rain. I am afraid to say you are going to have to suck it up. I expect nothing but the best of the leaf hospitality while escorting. Do you understand Uta?"

I bowed. "Yes Lord Fourth as you wish"

"Uta it is a pleasure as always", Itachi said kissing my hand.

"I couldn't the same for me Itsuki. I broke up with you over a year. Had I known about you being the client I would have never agreed to this mission. But it is too late now. But if you have any sense of mind then you will keep your filfthy hands off of me or you will have something worse then a bruised ego. Now I suggest you stay away from me", I responded coldly.

Minato-sensei wished something to Kakashi I couldn't hear. I guessed it was for me not to kill Isuki(Itachi). Kakashi let out a nod before Minato-sensei sent us all out to pack our things for the trip. Before we all met outside the gate. "We will be going on ahead"

"Uta I don't think so you may try to kill him. With the grudge you hold against him"

"Don't worry I won't kill him besides I don't think the kids are ready to guard him. Considering what happened the last time ", I said to the group dragging Itachi with me. Before Kakashi could say anything to me. "Looks like everything is going to plan for once"

"Yes and from the way Kakashi is looking at me. I think you made him jealous"

"Well that wasn't the point on this. The point was keeping him from finding out. Thanks Itachi I own you big time"

"It was no problem anything for you Uta", Itachi said with a smile. I looked to see the kids and Kakashi were getting closer. I gave Itachi a look as he gave a nod.

"Itsuki don't even think about it", I said with a cold look toward Itachi as he gave a nod.

"Fine I get please don't hurt me Uta my love"

"Fine just stay away I don't care where you go just go to Kakashi for all I care. Just stay the hell away from me", I told Itachi.

"Awww you are no fun Uta my love. But I rather not die today so fine I will respect your wishes", he said before I knew it Itachi pulled me into a kiss. "I suppose it is time I give up. Well it was fun while it lasted", he said with a smile before walking behind. I swear I saw Kakashi send daggers to Itachi. If the kids weren't with us I would burst out laughing. But I managed to keep a cool face. As I hit Itachi leaving a mark.

"ITSUKI ENOUGH OR", I said coldly before Kakashi grabbed my waist pulling me toward him.

"I am afraid our Uta has quite a temper on her. I will be watching her and the kids I am sure can guard you", Kakashi said with a fake smile. "Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura will you guard our client. I will be handling Uta-sensei and making sure she doesn't attempt to kill our client", Kakashi said with another fake smile before pulling me away from the group. "What the hell was that Uta", Kakashi demanded.

"My my is the great Kakashi perhaps jealous", I asked with a teasing tone.

"Don't play with me Uta. You need to be more careful or else you may get", he started before I shushed him.

"I can handle it myself I am a big girl Kakashi I don't need you helping me. Besides it not like we dating now are we? I am going to leave and make sure the squad isn't dead yet. Feel free to join whenever", I said with a wave before leaving Kakashi alone. As I went to catch up with the kid hoping that Itachi had been able not to blow his cover. Little did I know what would become of this mission.

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