✩ 15✩

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Naruto p.o.v

I was happy that I got to share a room with Sakura but I hated that Sasuke was in the same room. But it is better then nothing. "I say we try again for it again"

"Hmmm why should I considering how many times we have failed before?"

"Well since there are seven people even when he eats at least one of us should catch a glimse of his real face", I suggested.

"You may actually have a point there. So even an idiot can be right", Sasuke stated. I was about to fight when Sakura gave me her death glare. As we all began to plot how to get Kakashi to reveal his true face.

Uta p.o.v

After an intial getting in. I settled down setting my things down before laying some ground rules for Kakashi. "Kakashi I expect nothing funny. You and I won't be sharing the same bed. Understand Hatake", I said. Kakashi just gave a nod before I smiled. Before rumging through my bed getting my book out and settled down before it was time to get everyone for dinner.

Sakura p.o.v

After we all settled down to eat their was a feast spread out that made our mouths water. "That looks good", Naruto said getting ready to grab.

"I have to agree with you on this one Naruto", Sasuke stated cooly. Everyone settled down and began to break their chopsticks all except Naruto, Sasuke, and myself.

Kakashi looked around at all Naruto, Sasuke, and me. "Is there something wrong. Not one of you have picked up your chopsticks or dug in not even Naruto", he stated.

"Oh it's nothing Kakashi-sensei don't wait on us. Why don't you go and eat", I said not trying to sound to eggared.

"Well sad to say I am on a diet", Kakashi-sensei lied. Naruto then let a neaby teapot slip right toward Kakashi-sensei. As he picked up the table and used it as a shield. Using the angrier of Uta-sensei.

"KAKASHI HATAKE WHAT THE HELL? WHERE YOU THINKING", she yelled and started to lecture him while Suzaki-san ordered more food.

"Sorry my hand just slipped", he lied. Earning the angrier of all of us.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN "YOUR HAND SLIPPED", we all asked at the same time. After having to get another order of everything the adults were talking. As we all waited for the food to arrive yet again.

"I have a plan but it will have to wait until we get to the hotsprings", Sasuke said. It didn't take me long to get what Sasuke was saying. While it took Naruto a little longer. We both nodded. I knew it would only be the boys since I am a girl. I let out a sigh. As the food decided to come. As we all again broke our chopsticks and began to dig into the feast layed out before us and during the entire time Kakashi-sensei never revealed his face. Sasuke and Naruto fought about the food of course. Finally it was about to be time to get into the hotsprings. The client insisted on going back to his room. With Kakashi insisted that Misaki-san and Kaoru-san go with him. They nodded before letting out a sigh. As the rest of went to the hot springs. Hopefully nothing will happen and perhaps Sasuke and Naruto will be able to see Kakashi-sensei real face. One can only hope right.

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