✩ 14✩

113 3 0

Uta p.o.v

We had been walking for a while. Naruto quickly warmed up to Misaki and Kaoru as the two told stories of being ninja. We had given up explaining to Naruto what they were. We all knew Naruto would find out somehow,. After a while of traveling our stomachs began to grumble. We hadn't gotten futher when we found a hot spring. Before we walked in Kakashi started to prepare to divide the rooms but I already had it handled. "Okay Kaoru, and Misaki are together with the client having a room all to himself for obvious reasons. Naruto, Sasuke, and Kakashi you are all in one room. Sakura and I taking our room. Making it around 20 ryo in total. Now Kakashi and I shall split the cost between us for the client and genins room. Misaki and Kaoru you paying for your own rooms understand"

Everyone nodded in agreement. Before we walked in to book the rooms. Kaoru, Misaki, and Itachi went without problem. Until we reached Naruto, Sasuke, and Kakashi room. "I am afraid we don't allow adults who aren;t the kids parents to stay in the same room as the kids. So I am afraid Mr. Hatake can't stay in the same room as the boys. May I suggest either Hatake-san or Saito-san stay in a room with each other or with Uta-san. While Haruno-san stays in a room by herself"

"I am going to have to rethink this one", Uta said.

"How old are the kids", the desk lady asked?

"Thirteen why?"

"Well it will take off the price if they all stay in one room. Since they are under eighteen"

"Okay then I suppose I have no choice but to stay with the client who knows what Kakashi might try", I said.

"No way are you staying in a room with your ex you are with me", Kakashi said before paying the lady before I could protest. Great this is just what I need I thought as the gang was handed their keys. As we went to our own rooms. Before Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura went to their own room. I gave them a look.

"I expect nothing but your best behavior nothing funny. Sakura gets her own bed understand"

Both Naruto and Sasuke nodded in fear. As Sakura smelled getting what she wanted. Little did I know what the kids were planning. As I walked into the room with Kakashi.

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