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Kakashi p.o.v

I heard a noise outside my door. I walked over to the door opened it expecting to see Uta standing there. To instead find Uta unconscious by my door. For some reason, I felt myself pick Uta up carrying her to my bed setting her down. I had taken off my mask and ninja headband putting it on the drawer and I had been about to leave when I felt her hand grab mine. "Kakashi", she whispered.

"Uta", I said tenderly as if I had said the name many times before. When I remembered the girl from my dreams. Could she be the girl from my dreams? If she is why can't I remember her? For some reason, my heart was pounding in my chest. Why is my heart pounding in my chest I don't even know her. Why has she been on my mind constantly since I've met her? Why does she consume my every thought? I wasn't used to feeling this way. All my life I have been avoiding love for the fear that if I loved her she may end up like Rin. So why is Uta consuming my every waking thought? Thinking for a while trying to find an answer to my question with no luck. The sun was setting in the evening sky and the stars were starting to come out. I heard her faintly call out my name. I looked down at her smiling warmly at her still sleeping form. Why do I feel like this has happened before but why? I felt Uta began to move.

"Kakashi", she called her eyes slowly opening to see my hand holding hers. Her face turned red for a moment.

"Kakashi why the hell were you holding my hand?"

"You were knocked out against my doorway. I brought you in a while ago I was about to leave when I heard you calling my name"

"You must have misheard me Kakashi", she said looking away from me. I don't know why but for some reason I know she is lying to me I thought.

"I don't think I did. Would you care to tell me why you called my name and why you are trying to hide it from me?"

"Stop it Kakashi I already have enough issues to deal with. I don't need you adding to them"

"You know, you're a shinobi whose job may require at times that you lie, you might want to brush up on your lying"

"It's not a lie, it's the truth", she stated rather coldy. But from her eyes and them drifting I could tell she was hiding something.

"Then stop avoiding my eyes. Look me in the eyes and tell me one more time"

"I have enough issues to deal with I don't need you adding to them", she stated her eyes drifting away from me.

"Liar I know you are hiding something from me, my love", I whispered seductively into her ear.

"Now Kakashi why would you say that?"

"Ever since I first saw you have been running from me as if you are hiding something from me", I began then paused. Then I looked right into her eyes. "So what are you hiding from me?", I asked her in her ear.

"I am not hiding anything from you really Kakashi. Why should you care we aren't even dating", she said standing up and was about to open the door when I pinned her to the wall.

"Now I can't have you running off again my love. At least not until you answer my question. I mean I would never do anything that would give you anything more than pleasure ", I whispered seductively into her ear. Using the techniques I had picked up from having to seduce women. Sometimes for a job and other times for a one night stand. I had been doing it for years, it had become a habit for me.

" Kakashi don't joke with me "

"Why is your face so red Uta ?", I asked then paused. "Is it the thought of us doing it, or seeing me shirtless and without my mask very few women have ever seen me without", I continued causing her face to turn even redder.

"Anyone's face would be red from what you are doing to me. Besides I already have my ex boyfriend trying to seduce me I don't need you too", she said looking me straight in the eye


"Kakashi enough I am leaving"

"Not until you tell me the truth", I told her. Grabbing her hand pushing her up against the wall. When I thought I heard something I went to check on it when I got back she was already gone. Leaving me alone in my apartment. Thoughts of her still on my mind before drifting off to sleep.

Uta p.o.v

I had managed to get away from Kakashi landing outside my front door. My thoughts still on what had happened. My heart was beating faster and faster I felt so happy until I didn't. That's when I remembered I wasn't supposed to get romantically involved with him. This can't continue I have to stop this. I let out a deep sigh and began to make my way toward the Hokage's office hoping that Minato sensei would still be there. I knocked on the door a few times to hear a voice say to come in. I opened the door to see Itachi standing there. Minato-sensei still at his desk filling out paperwork. "Itachi why the hell are you still here?"

"Uta I was giving Lord Fourth details about The Akatsuki. So from nothing of improtance they won't be much of a threat to the leaf. The question is why are you here? Shouldn't you be planning your wedding with Kakashi?", Itachi teased.

"What the hell Itachi you were watching Kakashi and me?"

"Who do you think got you to his place while you were blacked out?"

"What the hell Itachi"

"Uta I told you before but I will say it again. I am going to die in a few years and when I do. I want to make sure you are happy. We both know Kakashi cares for you and you care for him. Give him a chance Uta"

"No, I will not let it happen again. I'm getting close to blowing my cover so I would like to resign from Team Seven Minato-sensei", I said looking at Minato-sensei.

Minato-sensei shook his head. "Uta I'm afraid I can't let you resign"

"Why the hell not?"

"Itachi's right you can't just quit because you are afraid you will blow your cover. You aren't quitting Team Seven, you will help them that's an order from the Hokage and your former sensei. You along with Kakashi Hatake to help guide the new generation of geniun, do you understand?", he said looking at me. I gave a nod. "Dismissed", he said I bowed then walked out unsure what I was going to do about being co-captains with Kakashi. I drifted off to sleep before I could think of anything. I was going to take it one day at a time.

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