New Years Special- And.... You Are?

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Banshee (AU Deku)

(A/N. All you dear readers! There is something wrong with Wattpad for me! It's mixing up all my chapters! There going into random order! I even published something by accident too so forgive me for that annoying notification y'all got! TvT anyways, this was really rushed, finished it within an hour because I just realized, by 12 AM it'll be 2021. Hope you enjoy this possibly short chapter!)

(??? POV.)

Screaming. Screaming over on the right, screaming over on the left, oh what's over there? More fucking screaming.

I sighed, wrapping my cloak further around myself, though it was only needed to shield my body from onlookers/perverts. I mean, who would need a cloak for anything else? Not because I'm cold, oh no, the ground is literally lava and fire. Maybe some bones and corpses but who cares, it's endless.

"DIE." I heard someone yell, ignoring it and continuing my walk, seeing a large towering spire of jagged rock.

"Sometimes, Hell really is a horrible place..." I muttered, seeing someone fall into a pit of lava, letting out shrieks as they tried to get out, the people around watching were laughing their asses off.

Now near the high metal gates of the castle, I heard someone behind me. Rolling my eyes, already expecting what it may be.

"Hey cutie, what're you doing all alone?" The voice spoke, slurring as if drunk.

"Leave me the fuck alone. I'm tired and I don't need any idiots bothering me tonight..." I groaned.



The guy raised his claws, flexing them, licking his lips.

"Hot bod as well, now calm down or we'll do this the hard way." He demanded, tail flicking.

Ew, he's rather ugly for a common devil... red skinned, sharp black claws, long horns, pinched up face, and a barbed tail. Though what stood out about him was his black eyes, fairly different from others I've seen.

"I don't know... it wouldn't be too hard..." I said smugly, tail arching behind me as I examined my long nails.

"Give you one last chance befor-"

I was cut off by the sudden sensation of falling. I gasped, my surroundings no longer familiar. Millions of bright colours surrounded me as I fell through some kind of wormhole.

Tumbling through the air, becoming disoriented and slightly dizzy, my surroundings began to come into focus, solid ground below me.

Landing with a thud, stumbling a bit, head spinning.

"W-what? Where the fuck am I?" I asked aloud.

There were people standing in front of me, weapons out, all wide eyed.

Someone that looked awfully familiar stepped forward, he looked rather familiar... but I can't remember.

He was covered in hands.

"Who are you and how did you find us?" He demanded, his actual hand raised and inches away from my face.

"My name is Izuku Midoriya! But you can call me Deku! Or Prince of.... lets not go there. Who cares about names handyman! Now, who are you lot?" I asked excitedly, grabbing his hand and shaking it, all of them giving me a terrified yet awed look.

"Izuku Midoriya? But that's my name!" A male came forward, he had the same fluffy green hair as me, but he actually looked human. Having a scar with a red pupil.

Wow, that's cute... maybe I'm in another dimension?

"Different universes tiny me! In my world, I sold my soul to Satan or Lucifer, whatever you prefer! And I am now the most feared demon in Hell!" I exclaimed, grinning madly as my tail whipped through the air.

They all stared at me as if insane.

Other me nods. "That would explain the horns, tail, pale skin, being unaffected by Shigaraki's quirk, and... really sharp claws and teeth."

The hand mand tilted his head at me, seeming uneasy.

"Oh! I finally recognize who you are! You're Tenko! Wow, so weird talking to you..." I look around, finally remembering some faces.

"Toga! Blood partners! Dabi.... still wanna stick with that name? Compress, hi. Twice! You look so cute! Spinner! Still wearing Stain's merch I see....." I greeted everyone that I knew and were present in the room.

"Wow! I haven't seen you guys for over a hundred years! Y'all are so young still!"

"A hundred years?" Toga echoed.

Everyone had settled down, now sitting in the living area.... I noticed that other me and Dabi were really close.

"Well, you know, being in Hell is different from Heaven. In Heaven, time goes by faster than Earth, while Hell goes so much slower. 1 hundred years is like 1 year on Earth!" Explained, grinning still.

They all nodded.

"What type of demon are you?" Dabi asked, leaning forward with a curious expression.

I frowned. Why do people always ask me this???

"I am.... an incubus."

(A/N. Welp, ending it here... sorry for the short chapter! It's just a teaser for another book I'll be doing where AU's of MHA [mainly Izuku], it'll be called reaction. If you want part 2 then okay, but the whole story will be put in my Reaction story. So I hope you enjoyed this! The next chapter will be out soon.... I hope TvT HAPPY NEW YEAR! [probably isn't New Year by the time you read this LOL] BYE!)

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