Chapter 2 - Past 7 Days 1/3

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(A/N. I have not finished watching the anime series! I haven't read the manga either. I'm only on Season 4, since that's where the English translation stopped and I can't understand Japanese. So if I get facts wrong or I give out a spoiler I'm sorry. Anyways, enjoy!)

(Deku's POV)

Everything seemed to move in slow motion as I fell. The calls of my friend, Kacchan and some of class 1A students reached my ears, but I couldn't tell what they were saying.

It seems like my life was re-playing in front of my eyes. Going from all the way to when I first met Kacchan, to bullying, middle school, meeting All Might, getting into UA, and getting to meet great heroes in person. And finally, to what happened 2 weeks ago.

To say that was the worst day of my life, is a straight out lie.

(2 weeks earlier)

I was running through the rubble of a demolished building, Kacchan just behind me. There has been an increase of suspicious activity ever since All Might had retired.

Many great pro-heroes have gone missing, some were found over time but. . .

They were all dead.

We reached a small clearing in the area, it seemed like it was the place where 2 people had been fighting. But, something about it gave off a familiar aura, and it wasn't a good one.

I stopped running, examining the area for anything, like survivors.

The place still had dust billowing around, making it hard to see as well as breathing. I squinted through the fog, the rubble in the area forming an odd circle around what seemed to be a hole...

After a minute of wandering around in the cloud of dust, I heard panting. It was coming from near the outside of the circle of rubble.

I glanced back, Kacchan nodding. He hears it too.

We quietly crept through the fog, towards the sound.

3.... 2..... 1!

I jumped up over the small piece of wall still standing, getting ready to attack in case it was a villain.

What I saw, caught me off guard. I landed on the ground with a soft thud. Tears slowly swelling in my eyes.

Kacchan stood still, his face, full of emotion.

I took a step forward looking at the man, once known as the Symbol of Peace, bleeding out right before our eyes. Blood was pouring out from his stomach where a large metal protrusion had pierced him, he had scratches everywhere. His clothes, bloodied. It was easy to tell, he won't make it, even if they could take him to a hospital, it would be too late.

He was still breathing, he stared at us with sad eyes.

I took a few more steps forward, before collapsing right in front of him. I stared at my hands, not being able to look up at him as my tears fell.

"I-I I'm sorry...." I whispered out, barely audible.

"I failed t-to save you" I uttered out, trying to hold back the agonized cry I wanted to let out.

He shifted, slightly. "Young M-Midoriya..." He rasped out, causing a wound on his neck to start bleeding.

He reached a hand out to grasp mine. His hands were cold and shaking.

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