Chapter 24- If The Whole World Was Watching (P. 1/2)

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Banshee (AU Izuku)

(A/N. Part 1 of the date! UwU enjoy! Oh! And if anyone gets the title of the chapter and manage to guess what part 2 is called, well... I don't, what do you want? Honestly I have almost nothing to give on here so whatever you ask I must be able to accomplish it. If not you'll just get 'Big BRAIN Award'. Now, g'bye.)

Also, the picture above is not what they are wearing.... I just thought it looked nice.

(Izuku's POV)

It's been two days after that incident. Still being broadcasted on the News since apparently they had footage of Dabi carrying what seemed to be an injured girl.

Yes, the public is blind and stupid, unable to tell the fucking difference between a boy and a girl.

The LOV always referred to me as a girl, just as a joke. Dabi says they'll stop eventually, and if they don't then I'll have the nickname probably for life or if I "scare the shit out of them and get a new one." His words not mine!

People are questioning who that 'girl' was, all speculating that the LOV had kidnapped someone again.

Anyways, back to the present.

"Dabi's been acting weird lately...." I said, sitting on the mat inside Toga's room.

I wouldn't call it a bedroom being honest. The area having a bed, mat, and a shelf. Top half full of knives, small ones all the way to large daggers. Then the bottom half filled with vials, being held by stands and filled with blood she collected over the course of a 3 days. (I'm serious, she's an expert at killing.)

Other than the closet, her room was pretty empty..... Apart from the box under her bed. (Filled with pictures of people she had been obsessed with, I found a few of me in there....)

"How so? I couldn't tell... Maybe he only acts like that around you?" Toga suggests, hugging her pillow.

"Well.... He's becoming more... touchy."

Toga stared at me blankly, so did the other person in the room, hanging from a hammock made of shadows.

"'Touchy.'" Banshee repeated, glancing at Toga.

I blushed, shaking my hands at them. "No! Not like that! Why are you guys so dirty minded!?"

Toga laughed, shoving her face in the soft pillow.

"Like hugging? Giving you kisses on the forehead? Insisting you sit on his lap? What else...." Banshee listed, ignoring my shout of protest.

Toga perked up. "Ooh! Ooh! Spoon feeding Izu-kun like a baby or...."

Banshee and Toga grinned, having the same idea. Turning to look at me with a knowing look.

"Or like how a boyfriend treats the girl." They said in unison.

I groan, my cheeks heating up, face palming.

"I'm not a girl!"

"Alright, yeah, but you are the bottom." Banshee adds, admiring his gloved fingers.

"Anyways, we may know why he's acting like that. But we can't tell you." Toga says teasingly, sticking out her tongue.

"Why tell me that if you won't tell me the rest!?" I exclaimed, falling backwards and laying on my back.

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