Chapter 11- Cousins

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(A/N. When I write these stories, I actually put myself in the book as if I were the character. Everyone I write something with emotion, like something sad or angsty, I make sure to be in that certain feeling while writing it. Sometimes I don't even recognize the stories as my own writing!)

(3rd person's POV)

The green head was still asleep, he was sitting in a more comfortable chair now instead of that old metal one. They had moved the quirk erasing cuffs and transformed it into a choker, so now it's around his neck.

Toga, well, being Toga, she decided it was her job to admire Izuku's face when he slept. Just sitting there staring.

Dabi was giving her odd looks because the one she was giving Izuku, bothered him a lot.

Shigaraki agreed, the girl looked horny.

In the end, they had Kurogiri tie her to another chair but in a separate room they call the 'living room'. We call it that but we don't know what it's original purpose was.

It's a mansion so who cares.

We sat in the bar in some what partial silence, with Toga screaming with protest in the other room, things are doing just fine.

The greenette stirred, capturing the attention of Burnt Chicken Nugget.

"Yo, Hand Job. The kids waking up."

Shigaraki snorted. "So what if he is?"

"Aren't you gonna do something? Why'd you bring him down here?"

A bang echoed through the room as Shigaraki head was now on the counter. He grunted. (He face planted on the table, the way I wrote this sounds like his head was cut off or something like that XD)

Kurogiri stared. "Tomura, get up. You have a job to do."

He groaned in response, not moving.

Izuku started moving again, quiet whines coming from him.

Shigaraki sat up straight, putting on his 'father' then getting up and standing in front of the waking boy.

Izuku opened his eyes, he had no reaction whatsoever.

Shigaraki sighed.

"We'd like for you to join the League of Villains. This is your best option." He said gruffly.

The boys eyes widened, not exactly with surprise, but with an emotion you'd wouldn't expect. Joy.

He tilted his head to the side, grinning.

"What's my other option?"

Shigaraki let out a dry laugh.

"We can complete your wish."

Izuku stared at him, seeming to be lost in thought. His facial features were no longer filled to the brim with happiness, instead seeming hallow and empty.

"Why do you want me in the League? It's not like I'll be much help...." Dabi tensed, not liking at all what the boy was saying about himself.

Hand Job took off the hand on his face, leaning forward slightly.

"Your not useless if All For One finds a purpose in you."

Izuku frowns.

"Does he want to steal my quirk? Or kill me?" He says flatly.

Dabi chuckles, Kurogiri looking like he was shaking his head but he's a misty like creature so who knows.

This time Shigaraki frowns. "It's best you not know until we can fully trust you."

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