Chapter 13- Everyone Has a Choice

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Mysterious voice

(A/N. I have a test to do... And a project, along with math, all on the same day. So I apologize if this chapter is uh bad.)

(Izuku's POV)

I jolted awake, my stomach churning as I felt something rise in my throat.

Getting off the bed and stumbling into the bathroom.

Barely making it to the toilet as the contents of whatever I ate was unloaded.

My body quaked, remembering what I had seen.

I sat beside the 'bowl' clutching my stomach while salty tears rolled down my cheek.

Don't worry, it won't happen here....

"You killed everyone!" I shouted.

... It wasn't my choice.

"But you didn't have to! Everyone has a choice to choose..." I wretched, nothing but bile leaving my lips.

I was trying to help them!

"By murdering everyone!? Do you know how twisted that sounds!?"

This is why I killed them so mercilessly! They think I'm crazy! They don't understand and I guess I don't understand myself either!

"I can't believe we're the same person... Your a monster..." I whimpered.

I'm done talking. Come back when your not being a crybaby.


I sobbed into my arms. The images stuck in my head like gum on shoe.

I lay there for who knows how long before the door opens again.

Dabi rushed to my side, hugging him tightly as he got close.

I could tell he was flustered but I couldn't give two damns about it.

"Oi, Izuku, you alright? Why are you crying again?"

I snuggled my face deeper into his clothes, getting the smell of cinnamon again.

"And... did you puke out all of your lunch? Are you sick or something? This is not healthy...." He mutters, worry weaving it's way through his voice.

I pull away, still clutching onto his coat.

"I-I'm sorry..." I hiccup, and he pats my back.

"There's no need to be sorry... You're having a hard time, so this should be normal. I'd be even more worried if you still acted like the world was all cookies and rainbows."

How can a villain be so understanding?

"Okay...." I snuggled deeper into his clothing, making him fall backwards a bit.

We stayed there in silence, awkward silence for Dabi but comfortable for me.

Then, I heard the sound of a picture being taken, hearing growling from Dabi.

"OooOOOOOoo! Stitch Face and Izu-kun are cuddling! Shigi come have a looksy! I have blackmail!" Toga squealed with joy, caressing her phone with the precious images.

I quickly got off of him as he stood up, charging towards the door where the blonde had began running.

"YOU CRAZY BITCH!" He screamed.

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