chapter 1-First day

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Josie's POV:
I wake up with my alarm ringing. I quickly turn it off and get out of bed . I head to the restroom to brush my teeth and take a quick shower , after a few minutes I got out of the shower and got ready for today . Today it's my first day at my new school , the Salvatore school for the young and gifted . It's actually a school for the super natural but we need to keep a low profile so we won't get caught me and my twin are both syphener witches , we come from a coven called the Gemini coven , our crazy uncle , kai tried killing me and my twin when our bio mom was still pregnant with us , we survived but she didn't . We were saved by our crazy coven and moved to our birth mom , Caroline's tummy so she was now pregnant with us anyways back to what I was saying . My dad ,Alaric saltzman is the new principle. The old principal , Klaus mikaelson was stepping down because he needed to travel to get more students for the school .my dad and klaus are old friends and klaus asked my dad if he would take over while he was traveling , my dad gladly accepted the offer . So now me and my twin sister , Lizzie are going to the Salvatore school . "Ok girls hurry up , you don't wanna be late for your first day don't you ?" I hear my dad say while I was going down the stairs , Lizzie behind me "no dad " me and Lizzie say at the same time "ok then , let's go " my dad says as he walks out the door , unlocking the car . We all hop in the car and we got to the Salvatore school , it was huge , we drove up the driveway and I see a blond hair dude with a brow hair lady beside him , in his other side I saw a blond lady not going to lie , they were all pretty attractive . My dad parked the car and we all hopped out of the car "hello Alaric , it's good to see you " I hear the blond guy say in a British voice "hello klaus , it's good to see you to , hello Hayley , hello Camille " I hear my dad say as he hugs the brow hair lady , then the blond one . They both wave hi at my dad "well let's all head inside shall we " klaus says while opening the school doors , y dad nods and we all walk inside . "Thank you Alaric for taking care of the school while me and Hayley are traveling while looking for new students "klaus started to speak "now Camille will stay here and help you , freya and Elijah will stop by every two weeks to check on everything " my dad nodded to everything while klaus spoke , we reached a door with a sign that said "principals office " klaus opened the door . Everyone walked inside , klaus motion to chair that where infront of the office desk . Me , my dad and twin all sit waiting for klaus to speak again . "Well hello Josie and Lizzie , you will be our new students this year am I right? " me and Lizzie nod while klaus continues to speak "well welcome to the Salvatore school , here are your schedules and here are your room numbers , enjoy your year " he says while he hands me and Lizzie pieces of paper , my schedule was fine , and my room number was 247 Lizzie's was room 256 we where far but we were fine with it . We say thank you to klaus and walked out of the office , they said we can go check out around the school and that we could also check out our rooms and that all our stuff was moved there . I walk to my room and open my door , I see all my stuff in boxes and I start unpacking . By the time I finish unpacking it's 9:32 pm , I decided to take a walk and get some fresh air , I put on a oversized hoodie and some shorts and head outside . I was walking around and then i hear a twig snap , I quickly turn around to the detection the sound came from and I see a white wolf staring at me with golden eyes , I stand still trying not to move and hoping it doesn't attack me , instead it slowly walks towards me and it rubs its head against my hip , I slowly kneel down trying not to startle the white wolf . I successfully kneel down and slowly move my hand on top of its head trying to pet it , the wolf must have realized what I was trying to do and it raised its head up to my hand and rubbed itself against my hand , I sat down against a tree and the wolf laid down next to me putting its head on my lap .i start softly petting it and then I fell asleep.

Hopes POV:
My dad , klaus, was getting two bedrooms ready for two new students as I was standing on the doorway of room 247 , I think he said there names were Lizzie and Josie he also said that they were faternal twins . He asked me if I wanted to join him and I said no ,I told him I was going to go run in the woods for a while  he nodded his head  and walked out of the bedroom while a vanilla -flower sent caught my attention , I followed the smell inside the room to a box, I was closed and that got my wolf angry.i started looking for something to open the box with , I remembered I have a pocket knife , I dig through my pocket and tackle out the knife , I open the pocket knife and open the box , the vanilla -flower sent explodes out of the box and it smells amazing . The box has clothes inside of it and the smell is addictive and I can't get enough of it , I decided to get out because the thought of someone walking in is kind of embarrassing .i head to the woods where I started undressing myself , I let my wolf take over and after a few seconds I'm in my wolf form .i start running , the cool breeze going threw my fur feels amazing, I take a quick drink from a stream I found in the woods , it's dark so I decide to go back  to the school , on my way to the old mill to change back to my clothes I smell the familiar vanilla-flower scent  with no hesitation my wolf took over and followed the smell . I see a beautiful girl standing by a tree I try to walk towards her but i step on a twig , snapping if . I thought she didn't hear it but that was quickly turned down when she turned to face me , her beautiful brown chocolate eyes meet my golden wolf eyes she freezes in place not moving a muscle. I slowly walk towards the beautiful girl trying not to scare her off , i rub my head against her hip taking in her scent while i give put my scent on her , she slowly kneels down trying not to startle me ,she moves her hand and hovered above my head , I think she was trying to pet me and I rubbed myself on her hand telling her it's okay to pet me , she sat against a tree and I laid my head on her lap .she started petting me and it felt nice ,her breathing started to even out and I knew she was asleep ,I quickly change back to my human form and change back to my clothes , I run back to where the beautiful girl is and I picked her up bridal styled and walked into the school , I remembered her room number and carried her to her room ,I opened the door and laid her down and covering her with her blanket , I walk out closing the door behind me and I head to my room , it's  room 246 , right next to hers .i unlocks my door and opened it , I walk in closing the door behind me and I started undressing , I left my boxers and my sports bra on and walked to the bathroom , I brush my teeth and head to my bed , I lay down and quickly fall asleep .

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