Chapter 15- "congratulations"

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Josie's POV:
Hope grabbed my face and rubbed my cheek with her thumb "I'm so sorry jo" she gave me a kiss before she turned to look at everyone else she then screamed "PLAN MALIVORE" she quickly ran away , before I ran after her I felt someone grab my hand and pull me towards them , It was hopes aunt freya ,"were so sorry Josie but it was her idea and we trust her " she said before she pulled me to a hug "what do you mean it was her idea? What's going on ?" I asked starting to panic "the less you know the better " my dad said before everyone passed out .

I woke up with my head hurting , I was in my room , I woke up from my nap I guess , I looked at the time and I saw that it was 6:57 am , breakfast was being served so I changed into my uniform and walked to the kitchen, everything feels off tho , I feel like I'm forgetting something , or even maybe someone but I doubt it. I grab my breakfast and i look around for somewhere to sit , i see Jed , MG , Lizzie and the curly hair dude I saw last time sitting down in a table so i go and join them "hey Josie " Lizzie said all happy with a big smile on her face , I'm glad that MG and Lizzie are dating, there both meant for each other."hey Liz" I said "well did you hear about the party that the vampires are throwing by the old mill tonight, me and mg are going , is anyone else going ?" Lizzie said while eating her toast ."I am, Josie wanna join me ?" The curly hairs guy said to me ."no thanks , what's your name again? , sorry I'm bad with names sometimes " I said looking down to my plate , I pick up some eggs and bring them to my mouth and swallow them ."it's okay jo, I'm Landon " he said with a smile , he then winked at me , I felt uncomfortable so I stood up "I have to go guys , class starts in a few minutes and I wanna get there early " they all wave bye and I go to throw away my food and put away the dirty tray , I don't know why but I still have a feeling that I'm forgetting something , wait no not something, someone.

——————3 1/2 weeks later———————
I wake up needing to throw up again, I don't know why I keep waking up with morning sickness, I'm not pregnant that's for sure , I haven't even had sex before , I still made an appointment  just in case even tho it's impossible for me to be pregnant . I went to the restroom and threw up , after i finished trowing up i brushed my teeth and got ready for my doctors appointment, I then went to my dads office to ask if I could borrow his car keys . I knocked on the door waiting for a response , but I didn't get one , I walked in and didn't see him , so I went and grabbed the keys off of his desk , I turned around and walked out of the office, I walked outside to the garage and opens it to show my dads Jeep, I turned on the car and drove to the doctors.
I arrived at the doctors office and I sat down , waiting for them to call me .i was just scrolling through my phone , playing a few games before they called me "Josette saltzman?" I stood up and walked towards the doctors that called me "hello josette , my name is Meredith gray and I am your doctor for today , if you have any questions just ask but if you don't , follow me " I then followed her to a room with a ultrasound machine ."ok can you please sit in this chair right here and lift your shirt just a little bit so I can see your stomach while I get everything ready " I nodded and walked towards the chair , I sat down and lifted my shirt a little bit ."ok now I will squeeze this cream on your stomach, it's a little cold " gray said before she squeeze the ultrasound créeme on my tummy , it was really cold but I stayed clam , she then raised the ultrasound machine handle (A/u:I forgot what there called ) and put it on my stomach, she swirled it around for a few seconds before she stoped in a spot "congratulations your pregnant with twins , want to know there gender?" She said with a small smile "wait I'm pregnant? , with twins ?" I whispered Uber my breath , grey heard me and she speaked "it's okay if your not ready for them if you want I can give you some options about adoption " she said with a small smile , not trying to be rude "no no I want them it's just that , I haven't had sex before , how could I be pregnant?" I said trying to figure it out "well I'm not sure of that ether , but congratulations anyways, do you want to know the gender?" She asked .my face lit up after she asked "sure" I said exited to find out "well one is a boy and the other one is a girl " she said with a smile , I started to smile , I honestly don't know how I got pregnant but I'm grateful. "Well your free to go , here's some pictures of the baby's, make sure to come by every 3 moths to see how there doing ,ok?" She said as she handed me the ultrasound pictures, they looks so cute "ok " I said before I walked back outside to where I parked the car , I got in and continued looking at the pictures, I can't wait for them to come into the world , I looked down and grabbed my stomach "it's ok my babies, I don't know who your dad is but that's fine , I will do my best to raise the both of you " I started the car and drove back to school .

—————-1 week later——————-
"Hey Josie come in " Lizzie said as she opens the door for me to come in "thanks " I said walking into the office "honey why did you need all of us in here for , what's the important thing you needed us for?" My dad asked , I started to get nervous about telling them that I'm pregnant , what if Lizzie hates me , or what if my dad hates me , or my mom. "Whatever it is that you have to say is ok , I won't hate you Josie " Lizzie said as she walked towards me , I took a deep breath and I looked at all of them "I'm pregnant with twins " I said , they all had shocked expressions "IM GOING TO BE AN UNCLE " MG screamed before walking towards me and giving me a hug then they all walked towards me and they all gave me a hug "wait y'all are not mad at me ?" I said "how can we be mad at you Josie , this is an amazing thing " my mom said , I hugged her back and then everyone backed away . "Now who's the dad , it better not be the fire chicken " Lizzie said  "uhhh actually I don't know , I'm a virgin but I feel like it's has something tho do with malivore " I said looking at all of them , they all game me a confused look that said "elaborate ". "So after we fought thoes monsters that malivore released last time I woke up feeling like I forgot someone, but after that there was no more malivore attack's, someone closed the portal , so whoever that jumped in there closed the portal . So whoever jumped in there is probably the father of my children " I said looking down , rubbing my stomach. "Ok now we need to find out who this mysterious person is "my dad said before we all started to look for answers.

———————5 months later———————
Hopes POV:
It's been about 6 months since I jumped into malivore to protect everyone, I miss Josie so much , I been looking for a way to get out for months now but I never can , I think I found a way for me to get out , hopefully it works "phesmatos tribum nes ba tru Tim , phesmatos tribum nes ba tru Tim" I open my eyes to see that I made a hole , it worked . I run and jump into the hole , I walk out of a pit of goo and it closes as soon I step out , I made it , I'm back home .

A/u: sorry I haven't been posting so much, I got grounded because I'm failing all my classes but oh well .

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