Chapter 10-"Hows the super squad doing ?"

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Josie's POV:
Me and hope were a walk to the cafeteria to get some food , when we got there hope looked around trying to find someone, she finally found for whoever she was looking for and we walked towards them , we ended up sitting in a table with a few people , Jed and my were sitting there , good thing to know I at least knew a few people , "hey guys , how's the super squad doing ? " Hope asked to the table full of people . "We're doing great , I hope I can hang out with all of you more tho " a little kid started speaking . "It's ok Pedro , I promise I'll try to convince professor saltzman to let you move in with Jed and kalob" hope said rubbing Pedro's head ."you promise ?" Pedro asked holding out his pinky "pinky promise " hope said as the both of them wrapped there pinkies around each others . After a few seconds they untangled them . " let's play tag outside !" Pedro said jumping out of his seat "are you done eating ?" Hope asked "no.." Pedro said sitting back Down "if you finish your breakfast we can go play " hope said "really ?" Pedro said in a enthusiastic voice "yes " hope answered . Pedro started eating , Hope was so amazing with children , she would make a great mom . "You want something to eat baby ?" Hope said , "yes please " i said , she nodded her head and stood up to get us breakfast , i sat there a bit uncomfortable because I didn't know most of them . "So your hopes new girlfriend ?" A guy asked , she turned to look at who was talking , it was a really pale dude who looks like he hasn't slept in days , he had curly black hair . I nodded , answering his question. Before he could ask another one , hope came back with breakfast .

A.n: Sorry this was a short chapter , I just wanted to update the story , I won't be posting in a few days because school and my mental health is getting bad again , again sorry for the short chapter

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