Chapter 20- "we found them"

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Klaus's POV:
"STOP" I screamed as I ran to stop the boy from stabbing my grandchildren to death, I then snapped his neck falling to the ground "that's better" I said with a small smirk in my face. "Get the baby's and head back to the hospital I'll call hope and Josie" I said towards my family, they all nodded and went back to the hospital with the baby's.
                       Hope 🥰
Me: we found them, head back to the hospital
Hope 🥰: you found them, thank you dad we're on our way

Hope's POV:
My dad found our baby's, he found them. "Hey baby wake up I have good news" I said as I slowly ran my knuckles against josies jawline. "What is it?" Josie asked as she wiped her tears from crying "my dad found our baby's, there in the hospital" I said as I wiped a tear that she missed "what" she said as she stood up "we need to go, now" she said as she started to get dressed, she then ran out the door "baby wait for me" I screamed loud enough for her to hear me while I put my shoes on. i ran to catch up to josie who was now sitting inside the car ready to head to the hospital." you ready my love ?" i asked as i cupped her beautiful face "never been more ready" she said "well then lets go" i said as i drove away from the schooland straight to the hospital.

A.N -sorry for any spelling mistakes but i couldint find my phone so i updated this with my chromebook ,i also started a new hosie sory called " salvatore boarding school (hosie) so ,please check that one out ,anyways peace out -J

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