Chapter 21- "our happy ending"

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—————-12 years later————

Hopes POV:
"NICK , HAYLEY, CAMI AND ELI GET DOWN HERE NOW " I screamed for them to get downstairs. "Yes momma?" Cami my adorable 6 year old asked while going downstairs, of course they send the youngest "hey sweetheart, can you tell me who left the door open ?, because I can't find , bourbon anywhere" I say as I point the the once open front door ,"uhhhh I think I saw nick open the door last " she says as she rocks back and forth , holding the bottom of her shorts "okay , thank you sweetheart, now go shower before momma gets here okay ?" "Okay" she says as she runs back upstairs "NICK get down here .NOW" I screamed , he quickly comes downstairs "yes momma?" He asks "did you leave the door open , because I can't find bourbon anywhere " I say as I cros my arms infront of my chest , I do this a lot because I know this scared him into telling the truth "I'm sorry momma I don't mean to " he says as he comes and hugs me "it's okay baby , just forget to close the door every time because bourbon likes to run out , now go put some shoes on and help me find him before mommy comes home " I say as my 10 year old walks away "too late , already found him and I'm already here" I hear my beautiful wife say by the entrance , I walk over to her and gave her a kiss "hey " I say "hey, are the kids behaving or still being a pain in the ass?" She says as she walks over to the sofa with our hands holding , she plops down and I sit next to her ."there a pain all right but they are manageable " I say as I put my head on her shoulder. She chuckles. Bourbon then jumps on the couch and sits between me and Josie "wow someone's jealous " she says as she starts to pet bourbon. "Well he should learn to share because this is mine too" I say with a small chuckle "mommy your here " I hear Hayley say from the stairs , she then plops next to Josie "hey sweetheart, are you still taking your magic lessons with aunt Lizzie ?"josie asked Hayley , "yeah , she showed me how to siphon magic but not to much, just enough for some small spells " she says with a big smile "that's great honey " Josie says as she kissed hayleys forehead

Josie's POV:
I come home to my lovely family I then hear more footsteps from the stairs , i then see nick and Eli carrying a wet hair cami "hey mommy your home " Eli said while sitting down between me and bourbon, "hey honey , how are you feeling? , you know this is your first turning after you accidentally killed your classmate, I just want to make sure your okay " I say as I rub his arm , Eli accidentally killed one of his classmates last week during a school field trip to the nearby pool, they were playing around and he laptop him down for to long , killing his classmate, they all have the tribrid gene just like hope , so far Eli is the only one who activated there werewolf gene , they all have activated there witch powers , Hayley and nick have siphoning powers , while Eli and cami have there own powers. And none have activated there vampire side. Me and hope turned 4 years after the twins were born , we then got married a year after , we're lucky to have them after Landon tried to kill them . "I'm fine mom , because I know that you and momma I'll turn with me " Eli said as he leaned his head against my shoulder,"hey it's past your bedtime, all of you , bed now , even if it is spring break , y'all need to sleep " hope said as she stranded up and took the bow sleeping cami from Eli's hands "okay momma" they all said as they followed hope upstarts , I went to me and hopes room and sat on the edge of the bed ."something on your mind ?" I heard hope said as she closed the door. "I was just thinking when was our last rut , because we can't have another baby , I want to but I don't know how the kids will feel about it " I say as I start to fidget with my wedding ring . "It's okay it won't happen in 4 days , we're fine , plus I overheard the kids the other day say that they wanted another baby sister , cami even agreed , now how about we go ask the kids right now if they want another sibling or not " she said as she pulled me up , we then walked upstairs and took everyone out of bed , everyone was still awake except cami who we had to wake up . We then went to the movie/ game / family room to discuss this topic. "Okay so we just wanted to ask everyone a very important question " hope said as she sat down on a bean bag , they all sat done in there own bean bags. "We wanted to know , how do y'all feel about having another little sibling?" I ask as I started to fidget with my ring , it was quiet before we got our responses " YES WE WANT ANOTHER SIBLING " they all yelled , cami got up and started to clap her little hands "yay we're getting another baby " she said happily .I smiled . "Not yet but soon , we just wanted to make sure you all wanted another one " I say as I carried cami and walked out of the movie room to take her back to bed , I then laid her down and she quickly fell asleep , I then walked into the room and saw hope already in bed , I went and laid next to her , putting my head in the crook of her neck "they really want a sibling " I said as I looked up to see my beautiful wife ."yeah I'm glad they do " she said as she gave me a soft but quick kiss . "I'm glad of our little happy ending " I say as I cuddled closer to her ."me too" .

A.N- anddddd that's the end guys , thank you to all of you who read this and motivated me to continue writing and continuing this story , a million times thank you , I hope you all enjoyed the end , I'm thinking about making a following story but including the kids now . I'm still thinking about it, anyways thank you for everyone reading this - J

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