Chapter 13-"follow me"

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Josie's POV:
I open my eyes to see that I did it , I actually did it.hope quickly transformed to the beautiful white wolf I seen before , she pressed her nose against mine,You did it" I heard hope say in her head ,  "I did it , oh my god I can't believe I actually did it" I said before I started going in circles ."follow me" hope said before she started to run into the woods , I quickly followed her , curious of where we were going , I stumbled and tripped a few times ,it's going to take a while to get a hang of paws .but who knew running made you feel free, the sweet sent of fresh grass and the cool breeze going threw my fur,it felt amazing, I felt free.hope came to a stop near a small creek ,I tried slowing down but it was hard controlling my new legs I ended up crashing into hope , falling on top on her "sorry baby" I apologize "it's ok , it takes a while to control Everything " hope said . I tried to stand up but I ended up losing my balance and fell face- well snout first into the dirt."ouch" I said trying to stand up again, finally I stood up . Hope walked closer to me and rubbed her head against my  neck ,it felt nice ."you ok babe ?" Hope asked , "yeah, just really hard to control my paws" I said "yeah it takes a while to get a hang of them , it took me 2 hours to get a hang of them when I first turned" she stepped away and turned back around to face the small creek ,she started jumping in circles making splashed around and acted like a little kid. "What are you doing just standing there ?, come play with me " hope said ,still splashing .I walked towards her and started to splash her ,she started splashing me and then ran away , I started to chase after her but she was much faster , I started to speed up and I realized I finally got the hang of paws instead of feet. We were running and chasing each other all afternoon, I noticed that the sun started to set but we didn't want the moment to be over . "Can we do this again tomorrow ?" I asked hope as we were walking back to school  "sure but we have to check with your dad or not he'll think we ran away" I nodded and we continued walking back to school , surprisingly Lizzie was waiting for me "ok who's who I'm so confused " Lizzie said  I walked closer but hope became protective of me so she jumped in front of me ,growling at Lizzie ,Lizzie backed up at the sudden growling "ok now I see , Josie " lizzie said while looking at me "tell your wolf to calm down I'm not going to hurt you " I looked at hope and nodded ,  I walked to her and snuggled up against her , she nodded back and ran to her pile of clothes , hiding behind a tree . I then walked closer to Lizzie and put my nose against her hand , she started petting me and then sat down "your furs so soft " Lizzie said while she continued petting me "anyways get back to your human body or form or whatever we need to talk " I nodded and started spinning around "you want to play or what ?" Lizzie asked , confused . I shook my head and started to spin around , trying to see if she understood what I meant "jo hurry up , we need to talk , we can't play right now" I shook my head again and started to spin around again, finally she understood "ohh you want me to turn around , ok but hurry up " she turned around , I quickly found my clothes and changed back to my human form , it was painful but quick thanks to hopes advice. I quickly changed back to my clothes and tapped Lizzie on her shoulder "finally your back " Lizzie said as she hugged me , I hugged her back "so what happed with you and MG?" I asked , as soon as I asked her eyes sparkled , I suddenly knew it went well.

Hopes POV:
I left after Josie said that she was going to be fine with Lizzie , I know that lizzie isn't a threat but my when I'm in my wolf form I feel more protective and territorial of Josie,she's my mate after all. I changed back to my clothes and walked back to the school, I was hungry so I went to the kitchen to see if there's something to eat , on my way there I bumped in to no other than Landon . Landon was a nice person to me when he first got here but he became a bit to obsessed with me ."hey hope " Landon said all cheery "what do you want Landon ?" I asked annoyed "so I heard you started dating Josie saltzman, and I don't think she's good enough for you , plus she's not that atrctive" I quickly grabbed his shirt by the collar and pinned him against the wall "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?" I asked furiously about what he just said  "I-i-i-I mean s-s-she's not that g-good for you " I quickly punched him in the face "don't you EVER speak of Josie like that again or next time your going to wish you never spoke " I let go of him dropping him on the floor and walked away . I got to the kitchen and started to prepare sandwiches for me and Josie , I walked back to my room and turned on my tv to see what we can watch , I started scrolling through channels to see if anything good was on , nothing good was on so I decided to check what was on Netflix, I scrolled through the tv shows and found one of my favorite shows "Lucifer " . I got on my phone and started to text my dad to see if he found it anything more about the bond .

Me: hey dad did you find anything else about the bond ?
Dad👨‍👧: yeah , ok so Josie will go through a rut , this means that you and her will want to mate both in human form or wolf form , it doesn't really matter but y'all won't stop mating until she becomes pregnant.
Me:is there a way to avoid her becoming pregnant ?
Dad👨‍👧: yes but the both of you have to be separated and we both know that's not going to go well , we will try to keep y'all away from each other.
Me: is there any other way to stop her from getting pregnant without separating us ?
Dad👨‍👧: sadly no
Me: how long does this last ?
Dad👨‍👧: 4 days
Me:4 days !?
Me: she's not going to want to stay away from me , she can't sleep unless I'm with her , she won't like this .
Dad👨‍👧: I know , I'm sorry hope but there's no other way .
Me: okay dad , thanks for the info , tell mom I said hi for me please
Dad👨‍👧: will do my littlest wolf

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